Archive for the ‘Christianity’ Category

HAMAS: “Freedom Fighters [i] ”; “Humanitarian Organization [ii] ”. . . . .



The ‘suspected’ collaborators were executed outside the Mosque as worshippers looked on. Imagine having a public execution in the parking lot of your church or synagogue before you go in to service.

“. . . all the same god they say . . .”

Many in Hamas and PLO enclaves are accused of collaboration just because they are Christian. They are an easy scapegoat and accusation of collaboration becomes the method of making the communities Christian-free [kind of like the Nazis who wanted Jew-Free].

[i] The debate:

[ii] Qataris and Speaker Nancy Pelosi

THE CHRISTIAN HOLOCAUST I: Ritual Sacrifice of ‘Infidels’ by US supported Muslim Rebels in Syria

Please listen to every word as though your life depended on it. It may. . .


The ‘unholy alliance’ of the political left and the Jihadis, hates Christians and Jews. Their respective genocidal and brutally oppressive histories confirm this fact. That is why the US state-sponsored-media and State Department under the Obama administration are unconcerned with the holocaust against Christians that is taking place in the Middle-East and North Africa as we speak. It is a direct consequence of US Foreign Policy related to the so-called ‘Arab spring’.

Concurrently they are trying to undermine Israel’s capacity to defend itself against neighbors with genocidal intent, by turning Israel back to the 1967 borders. The Israeli conservatives call these the ‘Auschwitz borders’.

Christians and Jews . . . quoting Psalm 44:22

As it is written: “For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.” Romans 8:36

Christians and Jews . . . and whose newspapers cover it? Israeli . . . [1]

The slaughter in Syria that is being conducted by US-supported rebels (FSA and DASH), is pagan-ritual human sacrifice. It took an ex-Muslim, ex-terrorist, Palestinian Christian to bother uncovering it.

By Michael Horowitz’ 1990’s reckoning of 400 martyrs per day, the Christian church is by now approaching the 3,000,000 mark in it’s latest holocaust. Christians and Jews . . . .

[1] Arutz Sheva




Zeba Khan speaks for moderate Muslims in nations that are not controlled by theocratic radicals or dictatorships. She had to defect to the West to live this way and could not in most Muslim countries. She calls herself a Muslim but does not believe the core teachings of the Koran. When the radical Jihadists come to power in any nation where she lives, she is the first to have the crosshairs on her back, then it is the Jews, then the Christians. She can only live this way and have these beliefs because she lives in a country who until now has been governed by Judeo-Christian ethics and a constitutional democracy. This belies the proposition that Islam is a religion of peace.

Ayan Hirsi Ali is under death threat from those Muslims who were raised like Zeba Khan but believed the teachings of the Koran and the Hadiths. She was subject to genital mutilation forced into marriage by the religion of peace. Christians and Jews are not subject to forced marriages or female circumcision and those who apostatize from the faith do not face a legal ruling of death. In Saudi Arabia (a ‘moderate’ Muslim nation, they do). She identifies the blocks to ideological compromise in Islam: Mohammad’s 65 military campaigns, commands to subjugate or kill and bring the world to its knees under Islam, its entitled-victimhood role and its absolutism. Scholarly debate on Islam only happens in the west. This belies the proposition that Islam is a religion of peace.

Maajid Nawaz was a Muslim terrorist who converted under torture to moderate Islam. His story is compelling but atypical. The typical example in Islam and especially the Arab Muslim world is that Muslim-on-Muslim violence is predominant over Muslim-non-Muslim violence. The wars of Apostasy-Sunni-Shia-Salafi—Ismailis-secular-Sikh-India-Paksitan conflicts all paint a very different picture from the depiction of a peaceful Islam. This (as well as Mohammad’s demand for supremacy), belies the proposition that Islam is a religion of peace. Nawaz’s issue is a good one though. If Islam is a religion of peace, why do the radicals rule and why must the Western democracies be the ones that bring them to justice. There are indeed peaceful Muslims but these factors belie the proposition that Islam is a religion of peace.

Douglas Murray states simply that the facts belie the proposition that Islam is a religion of peace.  PLEASE LISTEN CAREFULLY TO HIS ARGUMENTS. A BRILLIANT SUMMARY OF “THE REALITY OF ISLAM vs HOPE FOR A PEACEFUL ISLAM SOMEDAY.


IN THE CROSS-HAIRS OF THE UNHOLY ALLIANCE: Christians and Jews in the Middle East

The blood of these Christians and the Jews of the Middle East are on the hands of the western media who either ignores or apologizes for the Islam which commits these atrocities.

Their blood is on the hands of the unholy alliance of the political left, Islam and the apostate church.

Christians of North America, do not think that you are exempt. America is thoroughly infiltrated by all elements of the alliance. Either their blood is on your hands or you yourselves are in the crosshairs.

APOSTATE CHURCH: Third leg of the unholy alliance

From the days when the Catholic Church shook  hands with Adolph Hitler the blood of the Jews was on their hands. Today the (so called) protestants and evangelicals that have joined the Catholic and Orthodox churches in their persecution of the Jews, are deceiving their congregations and themselves by once again shaking hands with der Fuhrer . . .

But more malignant still, are the blasphemies of Christian Palestinianism and Chrislam. These teachers have joined hands with the other two major enemies of the Jews: the political left and Islam. They have their reward.

Please listen to every word of this YouTube clip of Dr. Paul Wilkinson because of the 3 legs of the now stable ‘unholy alliance’, THIS is the most malignant.

THEME OF ‘The Yellow Star’ Reviewed

ABSTRACT:  Christian X, King of Denmark and the people of Denmark saved their Jewish population during WWII, by Donning the Yellow Star (symbolically only) then proceeding to smuggle them to safety. No other nation in Europe rescued its entire Jewish population nor did the institutional Church . That was during the era of The Old Fascism. WWII set the stage for the re-birth of the nation of Israel and over the period of the Cold War, the New Fascism emerged as the Unholy Alliance of socialism (its roots in fact being fascist) . . . and Jihadist Islam. Atheistic socialism ‘found god’, and it was Allah. Like the old fascism, the newer, more malignant fascism seeks to subjugate and/or annihilate the Jews.  Just as in WWII, once again the Apostate church is complicit . There were individual exceptions in WWII and there is a tiny remnant of the church today that stands with Israel in this Age of Apostasy. This tiny remnant will don the yellow star just as the Danes did. And Jews and Christians together will march into the 21st Century with the cross-hairs of the Unholy Alliance on their backs.


Ramallah lynching and butchering of an Israeli Jew, year 2000. . . now an annual ritual amongst  Palestinians.[1]

Psalm 83

New International Version (NIV)

A song. A psalm of Asaph.

O God, do not remain silent;
do not turn a deaf ear,
do not stand aloof, O God.
See how your enemies growl,
how your foes rear their heads.
With cunning they conspire against your people;
they plot against those you cherish.
“Come,” they say, “let us destroy them as a nation,
so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.”

This Donning the Yellow Star blog chronicles  the progress of The New Fascism as attendant Biblical prophesies unfold. . . .

”IT CAN’T HAPPEN HERE”: The Christian Copts of the Middle East

Oh yes it can . . . . . and will. Please listen to the entire segment.

Historically, Christians were once a majority in Egypt. Once Islam-ized, all their  rights were removed except under secular Muslim  regimes like that of Hosni Mubarak (whom the American left,  removed from power as it did with the pro-Western Shah of Iran).  The Jimmy Carter Administration (Dem)[1] and the Canadian Government ( Lib) and nuclear industry[2] are responsible for the Iranian nuclear threat.

The Obama Administration (Dem) has the blood of the Christian Copts on its hands. The Republicans have the blood of the Sudanese Christians on their hands.

Secular Muslim regimes not ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood  and other radical-Sharia-Law administrations, see Christians as a cultural asset. But the Jihadis take the Quran seriously and do as Muhammad told them: subjugate or kill the Jews and Christians.

A Republican administration in the USA delivered a magnificent  multi-cultural Lebanon with a Christian majority in government into the hands of Syria on a silver platter. Now Hezbo-Allah rules Beirut and the nation as a smoking pile of terrorist rubble. This phenomenon has been repeated all over the world as Islam seeks its historica destiny: A global Islamic Caliphate. The reason? : Oil is the west’s ‘drug of choice’. Bridgitte Gabriel warns America .[3] For Europe it is already too late.[4]

Dhimitude [5] IS THE REAL APARTHEID not the pathetic leftist propaganda allegations against the Israeli government. The Unholy Alliance of the left and Jihad has persecuted Christians as both of their fascist totalitarian regimes will have no other gods except Allah or THE STATE. In the future it may be Allah AND THE STATE.


[1] Mike Evans. Jimmy Carter, the Liberal Left and World Chaos. Timeworthy Books. Phoenix Az. 2009

[2] Paul L.  Williams. The Day of f Islam. Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY,  2007

[3] Brigitte Gabriel. Because they Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America. St. Martins Press. N.Y. 2006,

[4] Bruce Thornton. Decline and Fall: Europe’s Slow-Motion Suicide. Encounter Books N.Y. 2007.

[5] This is true apartheid, which the Muslim regimes sanitize into privileges or contract. It is clearly in fact second class citizenship. A Dhimi cannot testify against a Muslim, is subject to discriminatory taxes and usually ghettoized in Muslim-dominated countries. They are restricted in education and usually end up taking only the most menial jobs. . The rich Haifa Arabs of Israel live as princes not as dhimi.

“IT CAN’T HAPPEN HERE. . . ” : Part 1
Summary of ‘Donning . . .’

“It Can’t Happen Here is a semi-satirical 1935 political novel by American author Sinclair Lewis. Published during the rise of fascism in Europe, the novel describes the rise of Buzz Windrip, a populist United States senator who is elected to the presidency after promising drastic economic and social reforms while promoting a return to patriotism and traditional values. After his election, Windrip takes complete control over the government and imposes totalitarian rule with the help of a ruthless paramilitary force, in the manner of Adolf Hitler and the Schutzstaffel. The novel’s plot centers around newspaperman Doremus Jessup’s opposition to the new regime and his subsequent struggle against it.” –Wikipedia


Cultural and physical genocide against the Jews is hardly a novel concept. From one Assyrian-born (Iraq)  Pharaoh in Egypt to the Assyrian deportation and forced-assimilation to the Persian Deputy – Haman, to the Greek-Antiochus Epiphanes  to the Spanish Inquisition of the Roman Catholic church  to the Holocaust of the German Nazis to the modern Islamist Jihadis (to name only a few) . . . it is a nauseatingly repetitive historical phenomenon. Yet, not only do the Jews continue to exist . . . they thrive.

Because the Jews in Nazi Germany were so foundational to the culture, in the arts, science, teaching, business. . . . as the Nazi pogroms against them began, many said to themselves and to other members of their middle and upper-middle-classes:  “. . . it can’t happen here . . .” . . .

But it did . . .


For the first time for any such people in human history, they are redeemed to a ‘nation in a day’[1] . In 1948 they return to sovereignty on a tiny piece of their original land with a revived variant of their original language based upon a vote in the United Nations who has since sought (for all intents and purposes) to persecute them mercilessly with preposterous General Assembly resolutions.  The Jewish Aliyah (the ‘return’) was predicted TO THE DAY in their prophesies.[2] So too was their capture of the Temple mount in June 7, 1967. [3]

THE NEW FASCISM : The Same Old Anti-Semitic Genocide

But their latest challenge is also their greatest. They face ‘the Unholy Alliance’ . . . the ‘New Fascism’ . . . It is currently in its ‘kid glove’ phase, soon to enter its ‘iron fist’ stage.

This latest extermination-bid is based upon an alliance of a 1300 year old Theocratic Tribalism (Islam) and the failed 19th Century atheist fantasy of a global socialist utopia (Progressivism). But these 2 malignant historical constructs bring to bear against the Jews, modern weapons of mass destruction combined with asymmetrical guerrilla warfare techniques. The ‘Asymmetrical ‘front can employ a potential pool of 150 million human bombs (ideologically –committed suicide/homicide bombers).

The New Fascism . . . ( an unholy-alliance-of-convenience), will (after exterminating the Jews and the democratic capitalism of America), turn on itself as all Fascist movements do.

But in the meantime the ‘Five Crescents’ are clanging off one another in a discordant wind-chime that will eventually tear itself off its moorings.[4]  The clamour is indeed the harbinger of events to come.


The devastation of the New Fascism [5] will make the ‘Old Fascism’ look insignificant in comparison because of advanced chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in the hands of rogue, dictatorial and unstable nations. The outcome is described in the Biblical books of the Psalms 83, Ezekiel 38, and finalized in The Book of the Revelation.

From a secular perspective (with the decline and eventual fall of America) there is no longer a ‘light unto the nations . . . a city on a hill . . . ‘ . . .[6]  and the world will revert to its default setting of vicious tribal war till the ultimate ‘Dear Leader’ comes on the scene.[7]


The Unholy Alliance (the New Fascism) has been successfully infiltrating and undermining the evangelical church since the 1970’s [8] and today through the blasphemy known as ‘Chrislam’. [9] In the radical ’70s and ’80’s the Evangelical Church was seen as the last cohesive element, crucial to the integrity of American culture. For the larger leftist agenda, it was the link to destroying the culture, which would bankrupt the nation and eventually undermine its sovereignty. Since Jim Wallis (1970’s leftist radical) is now the spiritual advisor to President Obama in concert with Obama’s old buddy and confident Bill Ayers (Weatherman domestic terrorist bomber), it appears that the strategy is near completion.

The Christian Church, undermined by false doctrine (Purpose Driven[10], Emerging Church[11], Charis-mania, and Chrislam[12]) and topical teaching has, through its own abdication of responsibility, given America over to abortion, pornography, homosexuality, disease, poverty and the absence of enlightened leadership. Many of its teachers and prophets are ‘wise as doves and innocent as serpents’ . . .  [13] and have rendered all but a tiny 15% remnant who are un-contaminated by replacement theology.[14]

Biblical history tells us that God’s judgement always begins with those who call themselves by HIS NAME: Israel, Britain and the United States of America were once such nations. God will deal with us first . . . for our heresy, apostasy and corruption . . .  then HE will deal with those who hate us,  and HIM.

It can happen here . . .  and except for a miracle,  WILL HAPPEN HERE. Except, unlike in Lewis’ novel, the impulse will not come from the political right, but from the political left.[15] It is already well under way.


Speaking of Israel GOD says . . .

Ezekiel_37:26  Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.


[1]  Isaiah 66:8

[2] Grant R.  Jeffrey.  Armageddon: Appointment with Destiny.

[3] Isa. 64:10 Chuck Missler Audio commentary on Ezekiel (segment 2), Isaiah and Biblical Babylon and the book of Daniel do the mathematical calculations todemonstrate how the Desolation of Jerusalem ended with the 6 Day War June 7, 1967 and was predicted in the Bible TO THE DAY (see Ezekiel’s 430 Days).  See also Missler  Through the Bible in 24 Hours commentary on Matthew which contains the apologetic on Biblical authenticity

[4] Feb. 13th, 2013 entry in this blog  A cup of Intoxication. . . . the 5 crescents

[5] Sept 15th through Oct 20th, 2011 this blog; SUMMARY Oct 20, 2011

[6] Biblical book of Mathew 5:14

[7] Biblical book of Daniel 8:9-27

[8] Edgar C. Bundy. How Liberals & Radicals are Manipulating Evangelicals. Litohcolor Press, Wheaton Ill. 1982. One of the key activists (Jim Wallis) is now spiritual advisor to Pres. Barak Hussein Obama

[9]  Definition and history.

[12]  Eric Barger on Chrislam

[13] See Aug 11th and Aug 18th  2011 entries on this blog

[14] Also known as Supercessionism, it claims that the promises GOD made to Israel, and Israel’s uniqueness in GOD’S economy, have all been usurped by the Church in the wake of Judaism’s official rejection of Jesus as their Messiah. This is heretical teaching and led to the Holocaust but remains main-stream denominational doctrine in 85% of the church that calls itself ‘Christian’ today.

[15] President Obama has made a full frontal attack on the US Constitution First Ammendment by having Hillary Clinton sign the UN-OIC sponsored resolution on ‘religious hate crime’ (see Michele Bachman YouTube in this blog’s entry on Feb 16, 2013 “The Consequences: Tomorrow”); Obama’s anti-gun legislation is a full frontal attack on the Second Amendment and this week we heard that Attorney General Eric Holder approves of government initiated drone strikes on American citizens in U.S. soil. Bring on Jason Bourne (movie about the FBI secret operations killing American Citizens).

FIRST, FREE SPEECH . . . then . . .

Please remember that the major theme of this blog is the ‘New Fascism’ of the Unholy Alliance (the Left and Jihad). The New Fascism is not hyperbole. It is not allegory. It is active and trying to remove our Constitutional (First Amendment) and/or Charter Rights. Removal of free speech (First Amendment) is the prerequisite for then removing the Second Amendment, then freedom of religion (with the notable exceptions of Progressivism and Islam).

If the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) and the political Left have their way, the conservative, pro-Israeli and fundamentalist Christian voice will be removed from the public square.


Psalm 2:1-9

New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)

1 Why do the nations conspire
and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth take their stand
and the rulers gather together
against the LORD and against his Anointed One.

Mass graves at Bergen Belsen concentration camp, 1945.

Ezekiel 37:21-22

New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)

21 and say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land. 22 I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel. There will be one king over all of them and they will never again be two nations or be divided into two kingdoms.

Bielski Partisans

Psalm 83:1-5

King James Version (KJV)

1Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. 2For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. 3They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. 4They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. 5For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee

In the name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate(???)
Go Out and Kill Jews, Christians, Buddhists and Hindus!

Over the last 1400 years, 270 million non-believers were murdered by Muslim jihadists. Islam destroyed the Christian Middle East and Christian North Africa. It is estimated that upwards of 60 million Christians were slaughtered during this conquest. (

Ezekiel 38:10-12

New King James Version (NKJV)

10 ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “On that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind, and you will make an evil plan: 11 You will say, ‘I will go up against a land of unwalled villages; I will go to a peaceful people, who dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates’— 12 to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited, and against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land.

Ezekiel 38:16

New King James Version (NKJV)

16 You will come up against My people Israel like a cloud, to cover the land. It will be in the latter days that I will bring you against My land, so that the nations may know Me, when I am hallowed in you, O Gog, before their eyes.”

Zechariah 14:2-3

2 I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city.
3 Then the LORD will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights in the day of battle.

Ezekiel 38:21-23

New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)

21 I will summon a sword against Gog on all my mountains, declares the Sovereign LORD. Every man’s sword will be against his brother. 22 I will execute judgment upon him with plague and bloodshed; I will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur on him and on his troops and on the many nations with him. 23 And so I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the LORD.’

Zechariah 12:9-10

New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)

9 On that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that attack Jerusalem.
10 “And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.

Students of Eschatology disagree on the chronology of events. There may well be several wars depicted here but clearly, whether Psalm 83 (specific nations) or Ezekiel 38 (specific and different nations) Zechariah 14 (all nations), those who have bloody intentions against the Jewish people will pay a price. The Germans did, the Russians did, the British are and all other nations will.

Be forewarned Islam and your leftist allies. A tiny little nation of less than 6 million people handed the mighty Soviet Empire its only military defeat in conventional warfare. The mighty Chinese empire and the new Russian confederation and the newly Islam-icized Europe and the USA are messing in dangerous territory. God has claimed that land and that people and if you attack them you are sticking your finger in GOD’S eye. As Adolph Hitler, the Soviet Stalinists, the British Empire, Gamal Abdul Nasser, and Sadam Hussein learned: there is a price to pay.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As the Jewish people celebrate Hannakah and the Christians celebrate Christmas there will be no more entries on this blog till the New Year.

This blog and it’s content are dedicated to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the GOD of the Jews and the Christians. Our debt to the Jewish people is immeasurable as they have brought us the Oracles of God in the Torah and Tenakh.



A few nights before, the girl, who was about seventeen, had been found in the forest by Jews out foraging for food. The girl was bruised and bloody, and was wearing no clothes. She had been walking for two days. She had seen the Jews of Vilna killed in the forest of Ponar. . . The girl was taken to Jacob Gens. She told him she had seen the Jews of Vilna lined up and shot; she told him how she had escaped. . . . He did not believe her story. She was crazy. Very clearly. It was sad, but how could what she said be true ? No. He could not believe it. It threw into question his very sense of the world. Gens saw himself as a realist; like all other realists, he believed that man is motivated by self-interest. Killing the Jews of Vilna could not be in the self-interest of the Germans.

Rich Cohen. The Avengers. A Jewish War Story.
Vintage Books. New York 2001. pp. 38-39

The ‘realists’ in the White House and the Western European parliaments ‘know’ that the Muslim nations of the world are really motivated by self-interest and the wish to work for Microsoft. They know that the seed of freedom and democracy throbs in their breast and it could not possibly be in their interest to nuke Israel or destroy America. To them the alternative is unimaginable . . . to a rationalist, a secular humanist. It cannot be true. Unimaginable but true for Jacob Gens and for today’s foreign policy commissars.

The reason ? It was not self-interest that drove the Germans to the Holocaust nor Jihadists to the Apocalypse. It is ideology.

As the “Arab Spring” brings murder, torture, rape and expulsion to North Africa’s Christian communities and 1000 Palestinian terrorists flood onto the streets of Israel’s cities after the release of Gilad Shalit(1), the White House and its stenographers in the media celebrate the birth of democracy in the Middle East. The Unholy Alliance(2) (the Left and Islamic Jihad) has a proud history of persecuting Christians and Jews to the applause of their ‘bots’ in their various state-sponsored media so there is little new to report. But in the context of the ‘Yellow Star’ what questions does this raise for Christians and Jews and the organizations which represent them.

Well, for the newly ‘Chrislam’(3) evangelicals, trying to harmonize the Koran and the Bible, it is not much of an issue. We can simply become Muslims. Alternatively, for those who have decided that Islam is God’s Judgment on backslidden Jewry and the Christian Church, the task is largely to prepare oneself Spiritually for being “. . . lambs to the slaughter”(4). But is this Biblically the only legitimate course of action ? If so then ‘Donning the Yellow Star’ would mean joining the Jews in their walk to ‘the camps’.

Although nearly anathema as a topic of discussion in the Christian Church, the Biblical position or positions (i.e. the ‘Pacifist’ vs ‘Just War’ debate) should be raised now because when your brothers and sisters are being subjected to violence, persecution and discrimination, (as is the case in 1/3 of Christendom) that is not always the point at which prayerful, careful, reasoned, Biblically-founded conclusions can be drawn.(5) The Jews have been faced with this issue for 2000 years as have sub-groups of Christians but in North America and Western Europe we have been lulled to sleep by our media anesthesiologists in the era of relative peace, prosperity and stability.

None of us can imagine what it is like to live with those memories, those uncertainties, and the abject feeling of not having been able to save your family. Nothing replaces that kind of severed and truncated experience of loss.

James M. Glass. Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust:
Moral Uses of Violence and Will
Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire UK 2004. p. 5

But nothing has changed and everything has changed. Anti-Semitism has once again emerged to a psychotic level and spreading its toxic waste throughout the western world. For Christians (as Michael Horowitz pointed out), they represent the number one human rights issue of the late 20th and early 21st century.(6) But you wouldn’t know that to listen to the scribes of the state religion of Secular Humanism. And the auto-genocidal (read: “suicidal”) West accelerates drunkenly toward the Great [historical] Rift.

The opening quote of this piece speaks of the Nazi program of using rational, intelligent, cultured, pragmatic Jews to administer and control the ghettos. It was masterful. They were men inured in the concepts of science, administration, art, technology, rationalism, realism, progress and the decency of the common man. They were Humanists. The Nazis made them Chiefs of Police or chairs of the Jewish Councils. They were men who often worked day and night to find ways to negotiate with the Nazis to save their people, keep the ghettos fed and to manage the slave-force required by them. They were also responsible for arranging the selection and recruitment of large numbers of Jews for transport on the trains to receive ‘food and work’. That is NOT where they were going. They believed in social self-interest. They believed the Germans were rational and incapable of the atrocities they were being accused of. They were wrong.

Thus their realism and rationalism was used against them and served only to assist in the control, oppression, neutralization and ultimate extermination of the Jewish people.

Bielski Partisans

The partisans knew what was happening and at risk to their lives, entered the ghettos to convince the Judenrat (7) that the Nazi programs were based on a plan to exterminate them, not to just re-locate them or use them for labour in the war effort.

It is no different today. Those in the Jewish community (such as Arutz Cheva 7)(8) and its hosts and guests (like David Bedein, Jay Shapiro, previously Tovia Singer) warn the Israeli Jews and the Diaspora as to what is planned for them. They are labeled ‘right-wing’ and ‘fanatics’ and ‘extremists’ and the warnings go unheeded by a population weary of fighting. But there are those in the conservative think-tanks who bother to do the research, acquire and read the Hamas and Fatah Covenants and the European-funded Palestinian textbooks to see what their enemies have in store for them and uncover the hate-mongering that is the Palestinian education system.(9)

They confront the ‘realists’ in the Israeli left who would disarm and appease and give away land-for-peace. . .who say. . . “that’s not possible. . . they (Fatah and Hamas) don’t really mean it, it is just a bargaining position. . . its really all our fault because we are seen as an occupying force. . . “

In so many ways it seems a perfect parallel with the partisans who were warning the Judenrat of the dimensions of the Holocaust and facing the ghetto Jews with a very difficult option: die in the ghetto, in the camps (virtually inevitable) or risk dying while fighting in the forests as free people.

With the Unholy Alliance propaganda-machine’s demonization, de-legitimization and imposition of double-standards upon the Jewish state (all established pre-cursors to genocide) Jews are once again faced with the same dilemma.

To be continued. . .


(2) David Horowitz. Unholy Alliance Radical Islam and the American Left. Regnery. Washington DC. 2004
(5) In Kenneth Scott Latourette’s A History of Christianity he reports how theological debate is mostly arrested in times of persecution because unity in thought and action is a fundamental necessity.
(6) 150,000 Christians per year are martyred to the deafening ‘sound of silence’
See also Paul Marshall. Their Blood Cries Out. Word Publishing. Dallas 1997

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves:
be ye therefore wise as serpents,
and harmless as doves.

Matthew 10:16


The Christian Left and Church Complicity
in the New Fascism


The Last Man Standing

Isa 11:12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

Isaiah 17:13 The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind.
14 And behold at eveningtide trouble; and before the morning he is not. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.

Leftists in Evangelical garb[1] are the pre-military ‘spoilers’ of Isaiah 17:14. The christian left have become the ‘useful idiots’ of Fatah, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. This I do not say lightly because it grieves my heart that it is so, and especially in light of the disgusting church complicity in the last Holocaust.[2]

While at a Q & A meet-and-greet session after a conference, one affiliate of a Christian ministry boasted of having been housed for several days with a Fatah police Colonel. He spoke of what a gracious host the Colonel proved to be.[3] Just this last week we heard of the murder of Ben Yosef Livnat – unarmed and shot at point-blank range by a PA soldier as Livnat departed the synagogue at Joseph’s tomb in Shechem during Passover. The lame-stream media found it unworthy of coverage.

The issue of the content of the Fatah Charter, the Hamas Covenant and the deeds of sadistic terror these organizations have performed routinely against innocent Jewish and Christian men, women and children are of little concern to these Christian champions-of-the-oppressed. They are also little concerned about the 2000 year history of pogroms against the Jews and the consistent instigation by either church or Jihadists. They are little concerned that their leftist and Muslim allies’ demonization, de-legitimization and double-standards have proven historically to be a prelude to attempted extermination. They are unconcerned that this time it is virtually a global phenomenon. The incitement rhetoric contained in the Arab-Palestinian schoolbooks, the existential threat of nuclear attack breathed out by Iran and informally ratified by Fatah and Hamas, are seldom mentioned, or passively decried. But they will stand with the ‘genocidals’ till the splatter of Jewish blood against the walls finally embarrasses them. To date it has not.

Hundreds of examples including the disgusting slaughter of Tali Hatuel and her 4 little girls and a baby boy in her womb (allegedly deemed by Amnesty International to be a crime against humanity)[4] in pre-Hamas Gaza; the butchering of the Fogel family in Ithamar just recently (including the stabbing death of a 4 month old baby) are selectively deleted. Apparently not enough. Christian-Arab apologists for the slaughter toe the Fatah/Hamas party line: “for every Jewish child killed we can state 10 Palestinian children killed by Israelis” (without evidence; without reference to the countless retractions of alleged Israeli atrocities).

The holocaust began with WORDS. The progressive demonization and isolation of the Jewish people[5] was followed by the removal of their civil and human rights. It could not have happened without the brilliant, systematized Nazi propaganda machine of Joseph Goebbels. It is happening again in the global media and at the very institution set up to prevent further war and genocide: the United Nations.[6] Christians are once again accomplices but this time not by silence, but by active participation.

Hitler told Europe what he intended to do. No one believed him.


Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian Ayatollahs have told us what they intend to do. No one believes them.


Hitler used the evangelical Christians of Germany from 1924 till the holocaust as dupes in his extermination program. It’s happening again.

King Christian X of Denmark wearing the 'yellow star'

For Christians by becoming good, liberation activists, they avoid persecution by their Israel-hating comrades. The theological rationale is un-Biblical.[7] The Christian left and their allies the anarchists, communists and Muslim activists hate the so-called Christian-Zionist more than they hate Israel. What the ‘wise-as-doves’ left don’t seem to realize is that their allies-of-convenience hate them as well. In their naïve utopian dreamland, if the ‘Christian-right’ abandoned Israel and they were no longer capable of self-defense there would be peace in the Middle East. But they should look to their deceased Socialist-International member and past Prime Minister of Israel – Golda Meir to set them straight as to what would be the consequence of an insecure Israel. As the tragic truth is stated: “If the Arabs lay down their arms there will be peace in the Middle East. If Israel lays down her arms, there will be no more Israel in the Middle East”.

. . . it may seem strange that any professed Christian should enter a protest against the modern pacifist movement. . . We believe however, that that movement is dangerous, and that it has no necessary or legitimate part in the evangelical Christian program (pp. 10,11)

Earlier in the pages he states: We desire peace, but we realize there are some things worse than war. We desire peace, but not the kind that is found in the cemetery or in the slave camp.[8] Loraine Boettner

Neville Chamberlain’s foreign policy (appeasement) is alive and well today. It worked so well with Czecholsavakia in 1938 that it is the predominant approach of the liberal democracies of the West. The outcome will be the same as it was in Europe in the ‘30’s: war, and just as in that war the Christian peaceniks will aid and abet.

When one state for example, unjustly wages war on another, resistance on the part of the state which is the victim of aggression is nothing more than the application of the same principle. . . [earlier mentioned Rom. 13:4-6; 1Peter 2:14]. . . To plead pacifism or non-resistance under such conditions is to annul the New Testament teaching that the civil magistrate is sent by the Lord to punish and suppress evildoing and to maintain the order of justice and well-doing, and peace.” [9] John Murray

But western abortion-loving, pornography-consuming, morally-relative, multi-cultural liberalism is auto-genocidal.[10] Christians are supposed to know better than to ‘drink the Kool-Aid’.

The Islamist ‘fifth column’ has thoroughly infiltrated Western Europe and North America. Their allies are now spreading THE LIE in the heresy-ridden Western church. We are repeating 1937-39 as though it never happened.

In the build-up to the next Holocaust, the Christian-left are indeed; “. . . wise as doves and innocent as serpents. . .” In allying with the enemies of God’s people (Jew and Gentile) they are knowingly or unknowingly serving the purpose of ‘the serpent’. ‘We’ are without excuse.

people of Copenhagen, Denmark, wearing the 'yellow star'

THE LAST MAN STANDING: uniquely demonized, delegitimized and subject to gross double-standards by the most powerful nations and institutions in the world: continuously attacked by their neighbours, boycotted by so-called ‘charitable institutions and subjected to public threats of extermination by the world’s ‘peace-keeping’ body; no other nation on earth (including brutal, genocidal, totalitarian dictatorships) are subject to such orchestrated derision.

We of the ‘yellow star’ stand also with those courageous, persecuted Arab believers who love the Jews as Christ told us to love them. We ‘Jew-lovers’ Arab and non-Arab will stand alone, even in the so-called ‘church’.

As a high school student in the 1960s I saw the textbook coverage of the Holocaust in stark, horrifying black-and-white, photos. It is significant that they are no longer shown in high school textbooks. The change of world view which has shifted toward a leftist re-write of history has paved the road for the new anti-Semitism. It is not a coincidence that photos of the holocaust have been removed: after all they might ‘offend. . . ‘

As I gazed upon those photographs in 1964 I asked myself what I would have done in such circumstances. I believe I’ll have the chance to find out.

Mass graves at Bergen Belsen concentration camp, 1945.


[1] Edgar C. Bundy. How Liberals and Radicals are manipulating Evangelicals. Lithocolor Press, Wheaton, Ill. 1982 pp. 5-57

[2] Hal Lindsay. The Road to Holocaust. Bantam Books, New York 1990

[3] This was a prominent, gentle and lovely Christian man in a celebrated ministry who became very irate when (referring to the sentiments of Fatah) I stated: “Not even the Nazis blew up their own children to kill Jews. . . “

[4] See category ‘external links’ on

[5] Phyllis Chessler. The New Anti-Semitism. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. 2003. pp. 36-40

[6] Daniel Smajovits ‘critical mass of threat’ growing against Israel, Irwin Cotler says. Jewish Tribune Aug 16, 2011

[7] PP. 1-3 of Jacob Prasch: Do Not Lift That Stone:

[8] Loraine Boettner. The Christian Attitude toward War (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdsman’s Publishing Co, 1942). In the 1930’s the Nazis launched a massive ‘peace’ campaign throughout Europe as part of their program of conquest; in Robert A. Morey. When is it Right to Fight? Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis 1985. pp. 108-109.

[9] John Murray (18-98-1975) Principles of Conduct (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Co. 1968, pp. 114,115 op cit Morey “. . . Right to Fight” p. 110. Morey goes on n the same vein to quote Gleason Archer and Francis Schaeffer as profoundly influential evangelical theologians who vigorously opposed the ‘peace at any price’ Christian pacifists. Morey op cit . . . Fight ?. . . pp. 111-114.

[10] Don Richardson. Secrets of the Koran. Regal. Ventura, CA 2003. pp. 194-198


First picture: dove on the wailing wall in Jerusalem

Second and third pictures: portrait of King Christian X of Denmark wearing the tailored ‘yellow star’ complete with his signature, the people of Copenhagen wearing the star in response to the King; Deedy and Sorensen The Yellow Star: The Legend of King Christian X of Denmark. Peachtree Publishing Atlanta, 2000

Last image: photo of mass graves at Bergen Belsen concentration camp, 1945.