Archive for the ‘UN’ Category


Posted: February 28, 2014 in free speech, history, Israel, propaganda, UN



Alan Dershowitz (Professor of Law, Harvard University) His liberal and professional bone fides are unquestionable.[1] He was allegedly instrumental in gaining freedom for Nelson Mandela, for defense of pornography as freedom of expression, the murder case against Claus von Bulow, OJ Simpson and launching an anti-defamation suit against the then Archbishop of Warsaw Jozef Glemp on behalf of a defamed Rabbi. Despite his leftist persuasion he was offended by the academic and left-wing-sponsored attack on Israel on spurious grounds. The position is published in his book : The Case for Israel.[2] Unfortunately he favors a two-state solution.

Noam Chomsky, (Professor Emeritus of Linguistics MIT)[3] is a leftist icon who (along with Norman Finkelstein[4]), is a prolific and vociferous anti-Israel academic. Finkelstein was denied tenure at DePaul University and thereafter resigned. Chomsky continues his tax-payer-funded, military-protected, prestige-borne rant against America and Israel and its allegedly conspiratorial relationship.

All are Jewish.


Please familiarize yourselves with the basic issues because the universities and the conventional media have become oil-funded anti-Semitic propaganda machines as has the (dis)United Nations.  Dershowitz’ voice is heard in ‘occupied territory.’

[2] Alan Dershowitz. The Case for Israel. John Wiley and Sons. Hoboken, New Jersey. 2003


Posted: February 6, 2014 in Israel, UN



The fundamental issues of the relationship between the current U.S. administration, the United Nations and Israel are discussed here. Please listen carefully. It frames the debate for the latest installments on this blog, from Charles Krauthammer (January 14th installment) to Stephen Harper’s message to the Israeli Knesset (February 4th installment).

As always the conditions stated for a secure two-state solution in Israel are delineated. Recent history has shown them to be completely impracticable. None-the-less the “international community” (oxymoron) holds a gun to the head of the Israelis as it plunges on toward war. . . 1938 all over again.

REFRESHING BREAK FROM THE ‘STAR WARS BAR SCENE’[1] which constitutes the Anti-Semitic General Assembly of the United Nations

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s address to the Israeli Knesset.


1] This allusion to the STAR WARS movie where Harrison Ford meets inter-planetary pirates and criminals in a bar on the planet Tatooine, was the humorous analogy to the United Nations ‘dictators club’ that constantly votes sanctions against Israel for doing what they themselves do on a regular basis. Their ideological scams are trumpeted by Brian Sussman in his journal Climategate

Note: to see Star Wars Bar Scene picture click here:

THE UNITED NATIONS . . .   Krauthammer Nails it: Negligence, Stupidity, Malice, Anti-Semitism . . . funded at taxpayer expense.


ACADEMIC BIGOTRY. . . . funded at taxpayer expense. . .

Fighting Back against the New Anti-Semitism
Throughout the academic and cultural world, the Israel boycott movement is growing.
By Charles Krauthammer

For decades, the American Studies Association has labored in well-deserved obscurity. No longer. It’s now made a name for itself by voting to boycott Israeli universities, accusing them of denying academic and human rights to Palestinians.

Given that Israel has a profoundly democratic political system, the freest press in the Middle East, a fiercely independent judiciary, and astonishing religious and racial diversity within its universities, including affirmative action for Arab students, the charge is rather strange.

Made more so when you consider the state of human rights in Israel’s neighborhood. As we speak, Syria’s government is dropping “barrel bombs” filled with nails, shrapnel, and other instruments of terror on its own cities. Where is the ASA boycott of Syria?

And of Iran, which hangs political, religious, and even sexual dissidents and has no academic freedom at all? Or Egypt, where Christians are being openly persecuted? Or Turkey, Saudi Arabia, or, for that matter, massively repressive China and Russia?

Which makes it obvious that the ASA boycott has nothing to do with human rights. It’s an exercise in radical chic, giving marginalized academics a frisson of pretend anti-colonialism, seasoned with a dose of edgy anti-Semitism…

Charles Krauthammer ends his warning that anti-Semitism is back with the solution . . . “Don the yellow star and wear it proudly.

You may read the rest of his article at the following link:!

DONNING THE YELLOW STAR . . . bringing you . . . “the New World Order. . . “


CONSEQUENCES : Yesterday and Today

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”
Source: attributed to an article published in the Czech Republic, Prager Zeitung, 28 April 2010.

The Czech Republic should know about princely fools. Czechoslavakia was sold out in 1938 by France and Britain in return for “peace in our time’ with Adolph Hitler. It was a land-for-peace deal: sound familiar? Then again at the end of the Second World War to the USSR and then again in 1968, during the Prague Spring. Prague Spring was a REAL Spring . . . not like the so-called Arab Spring which is in fact the Arab winter (as confirmed by events in Egypt and Libya recently).

Czechoslovakia provided the necessary military and topographical barrier to Hitler’s expansion that could have prevented the Second World War had Britain and France abided by the treaty they had signed. The Czechs were sold out in a ‘land for peace’ appeasement that cost Europe 30 million lives, effected the destruction of the most advanced industrial nation in Europe (Germany) and the devastation of the Jewish people. Israel is the modern-day Czechoslovakia and the same terrorist-appeasement slogans are being tossed about today against Israel in order to destroy her safety and sovereignty in a disastrous play for regional peace. The ‘princes’ are negotiating for peace with the ideological offspring of Hitler’s Palestinian Reichsfeurer: Haj Amin Al Husseini[1]. It was Yasser Arafat in his day and (unless he resurrects during the exhumation procedure) it is Holocaust-denier and ‘partner-for-peace’ Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Masden)[2] today. Haj was their ideological ‘daddy’.

The recently sanitized terrorist organization (Hamas) is not currently the terrorist-of-choice, flavor-of-the-month for the US administration. Given the recent vote for Palestinian statehood at the United Nations[3], Fatah have been chosen as the ‘good terrorist’ and will appear in their business suits as “moderate realists” in the days to come, planning the destruction of Israel by diplomacy, because Kassams and Katushya failed.

Just as Hitler destroyed Czechoslovakia’s sovereignty at the Munich Conference with British and French complicity[4] (using a contrived ‘oppressed ethnic minority’) the UN are manufacturing the demise of Israeli sovereignty by their goal of eventual Palestinian statehood. Czechoslovakia was not invited to the table either. Sound familiar?[5]

Then the ‘princes of fools’ (after virtually ‘guaranteeing’ the Nazi occupation) again sold Czechoslovakia out to Stalin (Soviet occupation) for Stalin’s part in the defeat of his former ally, Adolf Hitler[6]. More fools then stood idly by as the Czech Prague Spring was crushed by Soviet tanks on Aug 21, 1968. The Prague Spring was a REAL Spring not like the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ which has already turned itself into the predictable Arab Winter. Recent events in Egypt and Libya were so inevitable that only CNN, BBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and the Obama administration could miss it.

The Czechs understand and mourn a once-reliable ally: The United States of America. They are wise enough to know that it is After America. They saw President Obama pat Medvedev’s leg at the 2012 Nuclear Summit negotiations[7] in South Korea and request (off mike) that Vladmir ‘give him some space’ till his “. . . second term”. The Czechs knew what that would likely mean.

Thus, a man who surrounded himself with (a) liberation Theologians (Jeremiah Wright), (b) an unrepentant domestic- ex-terrorist (Bill Ayers – now a respected educator), (c) Marxists and ‘911 truthers’, (d) who spent more taxpayer dollars in four years than President George W. Bush spent is eight, (e) who may have abandoned American citizens and sovereign US territory to Al-Qaida on 9/11, 2012 (Benghazi, Libya), (f) who saw unemployment figures, gas prices and deficit statistics rise in a way that should defeat any incumbent president,(g) whose Attorney General is embroiled in multiple scandals including Fast and Furious (where US Agents were killed by weapons sold in a failed, federally sanctioned arms sale to Mexican Drug Cartels) . . . this man was re-elected by American citizens to head the ‘Free’ World on November 6th.

Jamie Foxx at the November 8th Soul Train Awards in Las Vegas called Barak Obama his lord and savior, further authenticating the idiocy of the Hollywood propaganda machine that worked so energetically to assure Obama’s re-election on November 6th.

“Paul Devereaux was not a politician. Jonathan Silver was. He knew that, in politics, what is real is not important. The important is what appears to be real to the gullible. And what appears to be real is purveyed by the media and purchased by the gullible.”

Frederick Forsyth. The Cobra. p.377 [8]



[1] ; Efraim Karsh. Arafat’s War: The Man and his Battle for Israeli Conquest. Grove Press New York 2003 pp. 23-24; 184-185
[3] Wall Street Journal
[5] – Today. – Yesterday.
[6] The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact traumatized even the western European and North American left. . To the democratic socialists it represented a betrayal of socialist principles by their assumed ally Joseph Stalin. Then at Yalta, the Chief US negotiator was Alger Hiss (a Soviet Spy) who presided over the second betrayal of Czechoslovakia :
[7] The Guardian:
[8] Frederick Forsyth. The Cobra. Signet. New American Library. New York. 2011


Photo of Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain and Daladier at Munich:
Photo of Mideast Quartet during the 66th session of the General Assembly at UN headquarters September 23, 2011. Photo by AP @