Archive for the ‘Chrislam’ Category

THE THIRD LEG OF THE UNHOLY ALLIANCE: The Apostate Church of ‘Chrislam’


If you are not a first-time reader you know the theme of this blog is the ‘New Fascism’, and it’s determination to once again destroy the Jews. The process began in the Biblical book of ‘the Beginnings’: . . . . Genesis.

The New Fascism is not really ‘new’ but merely the old Fascism in its latest costume. Its current garb is the Unholy Alliance[i] of THE POLITICAL LEFT, THE JIHAD AND THE APOSTATE CHURCH.

This malignant third party to the Unholy Alliance is analyzed in Eric Barger’s The Deception of Chrislam (TAKE A STAND MINISTRIES, 2011). Naïve, Bible-illiterate Christians hungry for peace-at-any-cost will embrace it and it’s blasphemies against THE CHRIST.

The Koran is a war document. It is unqualifiedly a declaration of Jihad on all infidels till Sharia Law prevails globally. Its history is a bloodbath which took the lives of 270 million souls in order to achieve that very purpose since the seventh century. It only ceases seeking Islamic supremacy when it is unqualifiedly defeated.

It seeks its global Caliphate once again and ISIS (ISL) is its latest iteration. Brutal beyond measure just as Mohammad proved himself to be.

Chrislam represents the latest Gnostic-heresy intrusion into the Church [ii]. . . meant to serve as Islam’s theological apologist till the Church bows the knee to Allah.


[i] David Horowitz coined the term in his book of the same name (subtitled Radical Islam and the American Left Regnery Publishing inc. 2004) but for this blog it refers to a tri-partite alliance.

[ii] The book of Colossians was written to address the first century Gnostic intrusions into the church and the theology which counteracts them. The Bible’s theme is THE CHRIST PLUS NOTHING. He alone is redemption.

APOSTATE CHURCH: Third leg of the unholy alliance

From the days when the Catholic Church shook  hands with Adolph Hitler the blood of the Jews was on their hands. Today the (so called) protestants and evangelicals that have joined the Catholic and Orthodox churches in their persecution of the Jews, are deceiving their congregations and themselves by once again shaking hands with der Fuhrer . . .

But more malignant still, are the blasphemies of Christian Palestinianism and Chrislam. These teachers have joined hands with the other two major enemies of the Jews: the political left and Islam. They have their reward.

Please listen to every word of this YouTube clip of Dr. Paul Wilkinson because of the 3 legs of the now stable ‘unholy alliance’, THIS is the most malignant.