Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

THE THIRD LEG OF THE UNHOLY ALLIANCE: The Apostate Church of ‘Chrislam’


If you are not a first-time reader you know the theme of this blog is the ‘New Fascism’, and it’s determination to once again destroy the Jews. The process began in the Biblical book of ‘the Beginnings’: . . . . Genesis.

The New Fascism is not really ‘new’ but merely the old Fascism in its latest costume. Its current garb is the Unholy Alliance[i] of THE POLITICAL LEFT, THE JIHAD AND THE APOSTATE CHURCH.

This malignant third party to the Unholy Alliance is analyzed in Eric Barger’s The Deception of Chrislam (TAKE A STAND MINISTRIES, 2011). Naïve, Bible-illiterate Christians hungry for peace-at-any-cost will embrace it and it’s blasphemies against THE CHRIST.

The Koran is a war document. It is unqualifiedly a declaration of Jihad on all infidels till Sharia Law prevails globally. Its history is a bloodbath which took the lives of 270 million souls in order to achieve that very purpose since the seventh century. It only ceases seeking Islamic supremacy when it is unqualifiedly defeated.

It seeks its global Caliphate once again and ISIS (ISL) is its latest iteration. Brutal beyond measure just as Mohammad proved himself to be.

Chrislam represents the latest Gnostic-heresy intrusion into the Church [ii]. . . meant to serve as Islam’s theological apologist till the Church bows the knee to Allah.


[i] David Horowitz coined the term in his book of the same name (subtitled Radical Islam and the American Left Regnery Publishing inc. 2004) but for this blog it refers to a tri-partite alliance.

[ii] The book of Colossians was written to address the first century Gnostic intrusions into the church and the theology which counteracts them. The Bible’s theme is THE CHRIST PLUS NOTHING. He alone is redemption.

SUPREMACIST ISLAM: The latest Gross Atrocities in a long History of Gross Atrocities


ISIS: Our Caliphate will rule from Indonesia to Spain!


ISIS: A LETTER TO OBAMA, HAGEL AND KERRY. This is your ‘Arab Spring’. Thanks for the Help !



HAMAS: “Freedom Fighters [i] ”; “Humanitarian Organization [ii] ”. . . . .



The ‘suspected’ collaborators were executed outside the Mosque as worshippers looked on. Imagine having a public execution in the parking lot of your church or synagogue before you go in to service.

“. . . all the same god they say . . .”

Many in Hamas and PLO enclaves are accused of collaboration just because they are Christian. They are an easy scapegoat and accusation of collaboration becomes the method of making the communities Christian-free [kind of like the Nazis who wanted Jew-Free].

[i] The debate:

[ii] Qataris and Speaker Nancy Pelosi


Posted: August 25, 2014 in Islam, Israel, unholy alliance

CHICAGO! It escalates from here. . . till Sharia Law, then protests will not be allowed. It will be very peaceful.

      Notice that the Israeli protesters are removed, the Unholy Alliance protestors are not . . . balance in the Multi-Cultural paradise . . . President Obama’s town. It appears the loudest and most violent, win.


Posted: August 19, 2014 in fascism, Islam, unholy alliance

FASCISM IN CANADA! Canadians beat up by Unholy Alliance activists . . . police absent outside Calgary City Hall. . .

 This is a de-facto capitulation by police and municipal authorities to the fascist, racist cause. The first shot has been fired and we now know who is in charge. Listen to every word as though your life (as you know it) is at stake. Because it is ! Welcome to Muslim Canada where the rule of law no longer exists.


Posted: August 8, 2014 in Gaza, Islam, Israel


IV. The IDF prevents the ‘Liberation of Jerusalem”

As the pathetic tapestry of media lies continues, the 10,000 rockets and mortars that came out of Gaza since Israel’s 2005 unilateral withdrawal[i], were systematically ignored by the media and now the ultimate goal (the Liberation of Jerusalem by Hamas/PLO) slips from the lips of a Hamas operative.

Why? Because they mis-judged the Israeli response to their constant bombardment and escalation of hostilities. Will the whining never cease? Once again, Jewish men women and children are kept out of the ‘tender mercies’ of Muslim victors. He neglects to tell you that the Egyptians are furious at Hamas for breaking the ‘Egyptian-brokered peace’ that he speaks of.

It is not so for the hundreds of thousands of undefended Christians being raped, literally butchered, incarcerated and tortured all over the Arab-Spring-Muslim World. But that is not of concern to the western media. Only Palestinian-human-shield deaths matter for some reason.



FASCIST AMERICA:  Free Speech Patriotism and Israel (read, Jews) . . . verboten  



adjective: verboten

1.    forbidden, especially by an authority.

Origin German.


          American servicemen who stand up for their defamed and libeled ally in the Middle East, (Israel) or who have the audacity to display the American Flag in front of their own Whitehouse . . . will be assaulted, spit upon, removed or arrested as “Islamic thugs and their leftist jackboots…”[1] deny basic constitutional rights to American citizens.

          Please do not forget that ‘NAZI’ stood for National Socialist German Workers Party and their Palestinian ally Haj Amin Al Husseini (great uncle of Yasser Arafat) was mandated to execute the ‘final solution’ in the Middle East.

          So much for the psychotic fantasy of Democratic Socialism.


[1] As quoted from the article where the above STUNNING video clip is found:


The Pope in Israel


As Christians are slaughtered all over North Africa and the Middle East and the western media buries it,[i] as Russia makes its initial moves to capture Europe[ii], and all President Obama does is contribute significantly to global warming. . . . the pope warmly hugs the man who arranged the financing for the PLO slaughter of the Israeli Olympic team in Munich , 1972 (Mahmoud Abbas). Abbas was the right-hand man of the world’s most successful terrorist, Yasser Arafat and Pope Francis dubbed Abbas a ‘man of peace’. Yasser Arafat was the Clinton Whitehouse most frequent visitor. [iii]

Then Amidst a ‘religiously cleansed’ Bethlehem after the PLO take-over (3/4 Bethlehem Christians now live abroad), the Pope celebrates with the ‘faithful Catholic’ remnant in Bethlehem while Jesus is depicted on a mural wrapped in a Kafiyah. These Christians support the PLO cause or else they would be driven out.

Then the Jesuit Pope puts his imprimatur on the propaganda lies of the so-called ‘Wall of Apartheid’ by praying on a graffiti-covered defense wall that has saved the lives of 100s of Jews by preventing the constant reign of PLO sniper fire and suicide bombings where Palestinian activissts encourage their children to blow themselves up in order to kill Jews.

Pope Francis then warmly shakes hands with the successor of Haj Amin Al Husseini, the Arab Reichsfeurer of the Balkan SS who stated clearly: “kill the Jews wherever you find them” .

This current Grand Mufti had launched on a genocidal anti-Semitic rant in Arabic in January, 2012.[iv] His predecessor Al Husseini had orchestrated the most brutal SS divisions in WWII in Yugoslavia and was co-architect with Adolf Eichmann of the Final Solution in Europe with full blessing of Hitler to institute The Final Solution in the Muslim Middle East.

Pope Francis then warmly met and touched the forehead of Israeli leftist President, Shimon Peres. The triangle is complete, all three legs of the stool : the apostate church, terrorist Islam and the political left.


[i] This Blog Donning the Yellow Star: The Christian Response. . . The Christian Holocaust 1’ entry May 20, 2014.
[ii] This blog op.cit. ‘The Peace Dividend’ entry May 28, 2014.
[iii]Yasser Arafat, ‘the stuff of legends’ A warning for the future Three articles by Tom Gross Mideast Media Analysis
[iv]Please see the video clip from the History Channel documentary on the career of Haj Amin Al Husseini on Shoebat’s website “Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem as well as the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI-TV) video translation of the current Grand Mufti’s speech on the same website posting entitled: “PA Mufti of Jerusalem: The Muslims will kill the Jews. . .”  (January 9, 2012) from PA-TV. Again second video clip

THE CHRISTIAN HOLOCAUST I: Ritual Sacrifice of ‘Infidels’ by US supported Muslim Rebels in Syria

Please listen to every word as though your life depended on it. It may. . .


The ‘unholy alliance’ of the political left and the Jihadis, hates Christians and Jews. Their respective genocidal and brutally oppressive histories confirm this fact. That is why the US state-sponsored-media and State Department under the Obama administration are unconcerned with the holocaust against Christians that is taking place in the Middle-East and North Africa as we speak. It is a direct consequence of US Foreign Policy related to the so-called ‘Arab spring’.

Concurrently they are trying to undermine Israel’s capacity to defend itself against neighbors with genocidal intent, by turning Israel back to the 1967 borders. The Israeli conservatives call these the ‘Auschwitz borders’.

Christians and Jews . . . quoting Psalm 44:22

As it is written: “For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.” Romans 8:36

Christians and Jews . . . and whose newspapers cover it? Israeli . . . [1]

The slaughter in Syria that is being conducted by US-supported rebels (FSA and DASH), is pagan-ritual human sacrifice. It took an ex-Muslim, ex-terrorist, Palestinian Christian to bother uncovering it.

By Michael Horowitz’ 1990’s reckoning of 400 martyrs per day, the Christian church is by now approaching the 3,000,000 mark in it’s latest holocaust. Christians and Jews . . . .

[1] Arutz Sheva




Zeba Khan speaks for moderate Muslims in nations that are not controlled by theocratic radicals or dictatorships. She had to defect to the West to live this way and could not in most Muslim countries. She calls herself a Muslim but does not believe the core teachings of the Koran. When the radical Jihadists come to power in any nation where she lives, she is the first to have the crosshairs on her back, then it is the Jews, then the Christians. She can only live this way and have these beliefs because she lives in a country who until now has been governed by Judeo-Christian ethics and a constitutional democracy. This belies the proposition that Islam is a religion of peace.

Ayan Hirsi Ali is under death threat from those Muslims who were raised like Zeba Khan but believed the teachings of the Koran and the Hadiths. She was subject to genital mutilation forced into marriage by the religion of peace. Christians and Jews are not subject to forced marriages or female circumcision and those who apostatize from the faith do not face a legal ruling of death. In Saudi Arabia (a ‘moderate’ Muslim nation, they do). She identifies the blocks to ideological compromise in Islam: Mohammad’s 65 military campaigns, commands to subjugate or kill and bring the world to its knees under Islam, its entitled-victimhood role and its absolutism. Scholarly debate on Islam only happens in the west. This belies the proposition that Islam is a religion of peace.

Maajid Nawaz was a Muslim terrorist who converted under torture to moderate Islam. His story is compelling but atypical. The typical example in Islam and especially the Arab Muslim world is that Muslim-on-Muslim violence is predominant over Muslim-non-Muslim violence. The wars of Apostasy-Sunni-Shia-Salafi—Ismailis-secular-Sikh-India-Paksitan conflicts all paint a very different picture from the depiction of a peaceful Islam. This (as well as Mohammad’s demand for supremacy), belies the proposition that Islam is a religion of peace. Nawaz’s issue is a good one though. If Islam is a religion of peace, why do the radicals rule and why must the Western democracies be the ones that bring them to justice. There are indeed peaceful Muslims but these factors belie the proposition that Islam is a religion of peace.

Douglas Murray states simply that the facts belie the proposition that Islam is a religion of peace.  PLEASE LISTEN CAREFULLY TO HIS ARGUMENTS. A BRILLIANT SUMMARY OF “THE REALITY OF ISLAM vs HOPE FOR A PEACEFUL ISLAM SOMEDAY.