Archive for July, 2011

15 Seconds

Posted: July 30, 2011 in Israel, Sderot

Please watch this youtube video called 15 Seconds To Hide From Rockets .


. . .you live in a lovely desert town like Carlsbad, New Mexico[1]. You are very near an international border. You live in a comfortable Mediterranean-style white, cement house with tile roof. Nearby is a large mall built around a building-supply and hardware store. The mall is complete with restaurants, specialty shops and down the small streets which adjoin it you see Arab restaurants and dry-good stores.

It’s a school day, but unlike Carlsbad your heart quickens and eventually pounds in your chest as you load the kids into the car. Suddenly the air-raid siren begins to wail, just as you had feared. It has happened a thousand times before. The infant begins to shriek; the kids’ faces are etched with terror: they remember what happened last time.

It is not Carlsbad, New Mexico, it is Sderot on Israel’s western Negev. You have 15 seconds! The older children know the drill. They wait for you to unlock the door to the house. At least this time you were not half-way to the school and trying desperately to re-direct the car to the nearest shelter. The baby is screaming more loudly now but the older ones just ‘run the drill’. Down the hall, open the home-bomb-shelter door. . . three, two. . . pull the door shut. . . a chest-collapsing explosion and the flesh-shredding rain of shrapnel (ball-bearings, nuts, bolts, scrap-metal).

In Carlsbad, the sun begins to get more intense as you drive the kids down the streets flowing with parents and school-children. There is the sound of kids shouting and the sight of them running down the streets past houses that had been there for 100 years.

The sound of the Mogen David Adom ambulances began to scream. The baby has exhausted itself crying and the wide-eyes of your boy and girl search your eyes for reason to calm. There isn’t any. Outside the bomb-shelter door you don’t know what you’ll find. Did it hit our house? It didn’t feel like it. Was it close enough that our windows shattered and there will be a clean-up job and danger from the glass and debris. Were any of our neighbours killed? Were any of them children?

Arriving at the school in Carlsbad, the kids erupt from the line of car doors after kissing Mom and joyfully join friends heading for the front door of the schoolhouse as the teacher presides over a roughly-orderly entry. The class-bell rings and the rivulets of youthful humanity flow into the classrooms and drain the hallway into silence.

Twisted rebar, dust and the smell of explosives greet those that emerge from the shelters. Today there is no large fire: just a pool of blood on the sidewalk and a splattering against the house wall. The grieving wail of a daughter over an elderly mother is drowned by the wail of a departing ambulance. This was to be the first of 3 rockets this day; daily-life shattered every few hours. Why? Because they’re Jews. They have no oil.

Sderot Police Station: vestiges of Qassam and Katyusha rockets

“Qassam’s are notoriously inaccurate. . .” the international press say. . .“only 13 Jews have been killed (the international press say…) but 10,000 rockets and mortars were not designed to miss. “They are just home-made devices” (the international press would say…) indeed, but if YOUR kids were being sniped at in the schoolyard by a psychopath with a home-made gun who was a poor marksman, would you be un-concerned? The world is indeed, unconcerned. Jewish blood has been cheap for 2500 years.

There are many American cities of 20,000 people near the Mexican border that could have been chosen and many might have been better for comparison. But the issue is that no other nation on earth would have endured what Israel has endured. But the international ‘knife’ is at its throat. Till Operation Cast Lead [2] was executed Sderot was abandoned by their national government, the international (so-called) community, the New York City Dictators Club, and most of their brothers and sisters in the Jewish Diaspora. They saw neighbours flee and neighbours stay. They saw their families and friends injured, killed, maimed or traumatized to the point where over a 60% of the population would be requiring PTSD treatment for the rest of their lives. In the meantime they saw European and North American development aide flow into the hands of a newly-democratically-elected terrorist authority in Gaza. Those who were tormenting them were being rewarded.

Rocket on display

In towns like Carlsbad the mothers worry about their husbands being laid off work. In Sderot, the mothers worry about their husband being blown to pieces in a rocket attack. In Carlsbad mothers worry about their children being victim of predators on the internet. In Sderot mothers worry about their children being shredded by ball-bearings from a Qassam. In Carlsbad mothers worry about their friends getting a divorce. In Sderot it is worry that their friend’s mangled body will be found on the street – blown to pieces. After Cast Lead, did the rockets stop? No!

No poignant two-hour documentaries or Hollywood films have been made to portray the terror, the grief, the lost limbs, the lost eyes, the traumatized children, the resulting poverty and the hopelessness for those who could not afford to leave. Most soul-crushing of all is the disgusting realization that in the Gazan communities, celebrations were being held and candy given to children to celebrate your death, pain and disfigurement.

Christian film makers and productions like With God on our Side or Little Town of Bethlehem find it difficult to identify with Jews. Beside, they would be persecuted, risk injury and death and lose much of their funding if they did. NOT GOOD BUSINESS!

So just as the conservative Israeli’s said: “Give up Gaza unilaterally and you will turn it into a terrorist training camp and rocket-launching pad.” But the American government and the NYC Dictator’s Club predicted peace and as with the 8 other empty promises of course, things got worse for the Jews.

Mall in Sderot

This pretty little Israeli town has been under siege since 2001 and heroes and heroines have been putting their lives on the line to save it. A few people cared. Arcadi Gaydamak [3], the Israeli Airline El Al, Mogen David Adom and numerous Jewish relief agencies did what they could but in reality. . . in the larger scheme of international affairs and especially at the NYC Dictators club, Sderot is of NO significance. They have no oil.



[2] Israeli Defense Force 2009 incursion into Gaza to stop the rocket attacks on the Negev and the hundreds of tunnels bringing a constant flow of arms into Gaza from Egypt.

[3] A Russian billionaire who gave the beleaguered children of Sderot a much-needed reprieve from the terror. Sderot has had waves of immigration that included Kurdish, Persian and most recently Russian-Jewish immigration.


Posted: July 28, 2011 in Israel, Sderot

Please watch this youtube video.

More videos at Sderot Media:


Hamlet Act 1, scene 4, 87–91

It was the proud Danish response to attempted fascist totalitarian control during the Nazi occupation of Denmark during World War II that inspired this blog. Just in the past week that history has been over-written by appeasement and capitulation.

Whereas Holland did the right thing and acquitted Geert Wilders (protecting at least a modicum of free speech in Holland against those who would stifle all dissent) Denmark convicted Free Speech advocate Lars Hedegaard of violation of their hate-speech legislation. [1]

§ 266b of the Danish penal code:

“Whoever publicly or with the intent of public dissemination issues a pronouncement or other communication by which a group of persons are threatened, insulted or denigrated due to their race, skin colour, national or ethnic origin, religion or sexual orientation is liable to a fine or incarceration for up to two years.”

The larger issue is the same as in the Geert Wilders case. It should not be a fine distinction within jurisprudence whether or not it is a violation of hate-speech legislation to ‘blow the cover’ off an anti-democratic, authoritarian and basic-human-rights-violating ideology. As a result of this verdict, it appears that what matters more than truth in modern, post-Christian Denmark is whether or not a powerful and threatening group feels insulted by the facts.

The religio-cultural practices of Islamist ideology are clearly on record: dressing women in black in 40 degree Arabian temperatures, genital mutilation (WHO reports 2 million per year), purchase of nine-year-old girls for marriage and introduction into Saudi harems, treating women as property, honour-killings, public flogging, stoning and Koranic permission for corporal punishment by husbands. [2] These are well-established and well-reported practices endorsed by various Sheiks and Imams. [3] Authoritarian control in shame-honor cultures prevents adequate reporting of such incidents yet those who attempt to advocate for the rights of these culture-victims within western cultures now face prosecution: so much for liberal-democratic principles.

It is a dark day for Denmark. After the Jyllands-Posten 30 September 2005, ‘Mohammad Cartoon’ incident (which eventually cost the lives of some 20 innocents at the hands of Muslims who felt insulted) it looked as though Denmark was going to support the principle of free expression. But then the Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen described the controversy as Denmark’s worst international crisis since World War II . Indeed it was because whereas the Nazi-invasion was not successful in breaking the back of Danish democracy, the Jihadist invasion has been.

The hypocrisy of the leftist Secular Humanist Religionists (SHR) in North America and Western Europe is visceral:

Critics of the cartoons described them as Islamophobic or racist,[5] and argued that they are blasphemous to people of the Muslim faith, are intended to humiliate a Danish minority, or are a manifestation of ignorance about the history of Western imperialism. [4]

While the leftist elitists defend the anti-democratic Sharia forces, the National Endowment for the Arts in the USA will use public funds to display a crucifix in a jar of urine and countless other gross blasphemies against Christians while talk-show hosts mockingly ask the ‘artist’ the question: “whose urine was it”?

Christians did not riot.

The murder of Theo van Gogh (who was ‘convicted’ on the grounds of artistic expression) by a Muslim is of course, inconsequential. After all, he had offended Islam and it is the ‘religion of peace’. The gutless western press remains silent because their presses and studios might be blown up.

But this is just a symptom. Post-Christian, Islamic Europe is now fact, not fiction. The witch-hunts and blasphemy trials have begun in Holland and Denmark and gutless, bankrupt, pathetic Europe will slide into Sharia without even noticing it happened.[5]

In the words of Bruce Thornton:

This self-abasing posture and acknowledgement of Muslim superiority has traditionally characterized the dhimmi whose fate is to be subordinated to Islam. [6]

Instead of ‘Donning the Yellow Star’, post-modern Denmark has donned the Crescent Moon. For saying such things, I may be subject to prosecution.


[1] SHAME ON DENMARK! Lars Hedegaard found guilty of hate speech

[2] Bruce Thornton. Decline and Fall: Europe’s Slow-Motion Suicide. Encounter Books New York, 2001. p.84

[3] The example being that Hedegaard quoted the Imam directly in his address to the court prior to his conviction.



[6] Thornton, Decline, op.cit p. 95

Roger Brian Neill.


Posted: July 14, 2011 in Israel

October 22, 2010
Original Draft
Published in Canadian Volunteers For Israel (CVI) website and Canadian Newsletter January 2011


It was a quiet Shabbat morning in the Haifa Soldier House; Rosh Hashanah 2010 (1st Tishrei 5771). The building was nearly empty except for about 20 or more of us “Lone Soldiers”. A lovely Druze IDF veteran sat quietly at the desk, behind a security glass – considering the remote lives of his children studying all over the world – preparing for professions – outside the perpetual war zone that Israel’s ‘neighbours’ and the ‘global community’ force upon the state of Israel.

A spectacular Shabbat meal was served for us the night before, complete with ceremonies prayers and song. It was remarkably touching to me – these Jewish youth from all over the world, here alone to serve in this remarkable military – celebrating the New Year with a Christian ‘Goy’ who was three times their age. Male and female, Russian, American, French. . . eager to talk about the challenges of life on the bases, life ‘back home’ and the situation Israel finds itself in; eager to talk about their aspirations for a life in the future.

The large, echoing mezzanine was quiet except for the cooing of the mourning doves. The sleepy halls displayed the posters of the fighting men and women – special forces, navy, air force and armor, depicting the bond that both sustains and breaks the hearts of these beautiful, talented and lion-hearted young people. They are forced to fight for their lives every 2 years in conventional war and every day in unconventional terrorist attacks.

From the 4 corners of the earth they stream as their prophets Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Isaiah predicted 2500 years ago. They mix their blood with their Jewish brothers and sisters from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Byelorussia, from Yemen and Iran and Iraq, from Argentina, Uruguay and New York; Boca Rotan, Montreal and Moscow, creating the most beautiful people on earth. The beauty of Africa mixes with the beauty of Asia and Europe. Languages, physiognomy, complexion, eye-color, customs, beliefs, conflicts and accommodations converge on a tiny piece of real estate to create an impossible people in an impossible nation: Am Israel in Erutz Israel. *

Their enemies, their neighbours, Europe, their ‘friends’ and the United Nations (who keep betraying them with deceitful treaties) hate them with a visceral rage that borders on the psychotic. Much as ‘the nations’ wish Israel would disappear off the face of the earth so that the utopian fantasy of ‘world peace’ could be accomplished (through the global Reich, global Communism or the global Caliphate) yet Israel remains.

When Noah sent out the dove to see if any land had emerged from the waters, she came back with an olive branch in her ‘mouth’. The symbolism explodes on the page: the dove, symbol of innocence, symbol of peace; the lowliest sacrifice of the Temple period for the poorest of people. The IDF uniform: olive color instead of ‘desert camouflage’ (the most appropriate color) – again the symbol of the Jewish hope for peace. The olive – served for medicine, food and light all of which Israel provides to the world. . . Amidst this realization, something happened to me.

That morning, for me I heard the doves mourn. . . because instead of the peace they yearn these dear young soldiers are issued Merkavas and M-16s, and have to suspend their lives for 2 to 3 years just so they and their loved ones can live. These sweet, young, determined faces are hated by the world, blamed for all the world’s ills, targets for humiliation, torture and death. They are hated for existing and they do not understand why.

Roger Brian Neill
Vancouver, B.C.

Our Destinies are Intertwined

Posted: July 7, 2011 in Israel

Our Destinies are Intertwined

By Roger Neill
(Edited by Stacey Miller)
Published on February 2011

[The year of] 2010 was my fourth consecutive year, [and my] second – 3-month period with 10 Sar El assignments in total. As with every previous assignment, the experience was incomparable. Now that I am a ‘veteran’ I have been trying to analyze the dynamic of Sar El within the context of modern Israel, and think that I at last, may have it.

But first (for the benefit of all the other veterans more accomplished than I – who will remember such assignments) my arrival took us to Beersheva – a Tech and Logistics Base. [There we worked] on the Merkava guide and drive wheels which appeared fresh from the field. They were often rusted, caked with packing grease and having an occasional spent ammunition round jammed in their spokes.

I was working with a radically-motivated USMC Vietnam Vet whose love for Israel was ‘viral’. He was a natural leader, looked as though he were 40 years old, and had the bearing of a Master Sergeant. Our civilian supervisor allowed creative problem-solving and ‘the marine’ knew how to do everything. After a few days he had an assembly line set up that doubled our efficiency. As always with Sar El, we didn’t have the right tools for the job so went at tank wheels with screw-drivers, paint scrapers, wire brushes, diesel fuel and ultimately, a power-washer. It was the marine who volunteered to get soaking wet till I managed to get back to my ‘supply base’ at the Adiv and pull my rain-suit from the stored pack. Now only his boots got soaked. But after all, he was a Marine and that meant he had to be soaking wet all the time.

It was your usual Sar El group of highly accomplished professionals and business people: a prominent Washington lawyer and his wife, a Defense contract engineer (and amateur archaeologist), an Arctic Circle social worker with the most amazing human rights story; nurses, other social workers, a professor of Holocaust studies (who provided us with spectacular evening sessions), a Toronto accountant and . . . in all humility. . . me (the under-achiever) ! But I was a ‘veteran’.

It was here that the life-and-death nature of Sar El was brought to my attention. ‘Marion’ had a spectacular Sar El record with scores of assignments and service during the Lebanon war where they got evacuated (due to rocket attacks on the base) to Tel Hashomer for medical-supply service. Sar-El Program Coordinator Pam Lazarus bravely endured the rockets and fire at the Navy base they had been removed from, to retrieve the group’s belongings. Pam is an un-sung heroine.

One vet (a ‘NYC’s Finest’ – shot in the line of duty) told of working very late at night during the Operation Cast Lead war with Gaza, to provide medical supplies for the front lines. The army trucks would literally be idling on the pads outside the sorting-warehouses, till they had a load and then would scream off to the front.

After Beersheva I was off to the Navy: again, Tech and Logistics south of Haifa. This time it was warehousing. All of the women (the smart ones) ended up on the computers in the automated warehouses [while] we ‘grunts’ ended up in the manual warehouses. This suited my annual Sar El weight-loss program since we were experiencing 36 degree Celsius temperatures, working high in warehouses with opaque roofs and no air conditioning (except mercifully in the offices where we had our breaks).

Once again it was meaningful work. All the fighting ships at sea called in supply orders as required and thus the work was like a fireman’s work: hurry up and wait, followed by: “fast. . . fast. . . fast ! ! ! When the orders were faxed, we were off to locate the items off the computer code which identified placement on the shelves. It was essentially a number that came from a 3-dimensional grid. Mobile ladder, climb to the shelves, put on a dolly, code and label, then off to the next request. I loved it and lost weight to the tune of 2 belt notches. My clothing would be drenched in the humid Mediterranean heat and I would not be fit to enter the dining hall with the commanders present.

This base has a gracious Navy Commander that calls us to his boardroom several times during an assignment. They gave us a wonderful PowerPoint presentation on the role of naval Tech and Logistics and the Commander would come to our dining table and talk with us repeatedly. Naval Commanders are the ‘gentlemen’ of the IDF just as they were in Admiral Nelson’s day.

This time the contingent of Sar El talent included: a prominent Toronto physician and his 17 year old son; a math and economics doctoral candidate from Hungary, a retired, widely-traveled New Zealand teacher , a widely-traveled New York teacher, a Chicago refrigeration specialist, a Dutch retired businessman who lives part-time in Brazil, a retired Royal Dutch Naval Marine and a prominent Montreal Medical School professor, practitioner and Oncology researcher doing joint pharmacological research with Israeli University Hospitals. Sar El generally represents a roster of geniuses.

The non-Jewish Toronto physician came to Sar El out of gratitude to the Israeli military. He had served with the Canadian contingent of UN forces in the Golan Heights and had a severely bleeding man on his hands. Only the Israeli military were capable of helping and they responded instantly to the distress-call and thus the doctor could save the man’s life. He possessed a profound respect for Israel, its military and its need to survive. He felt his son should get a dose-of-life not blunted by CNN or the CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corporation.)

Then finally the dream came true: two Lebanon Border postings in succession. The first group was unbelievable. We were nine nations and 20 languages, represented in 15 people. The chemistry was remarkable among the Sar El recruits with a high percentage of seriously observant Jews and Christian Zionists.

There was a Spanish Foreign Legion vet, a young female Belgian student, a German-born (Tajik background) school teacher who lived in Canada, a Norwegian Hydrology Engineer, a young Parisian girl, a retired South African heavy-equipment mechanic and operator (and his wife- a registered nurse), a German admin assistant, and a German professor of religious studies and linguistics, as well as a female Norwegian-military vet.

Exciting things happened during that assignment which only added to the modern day miracle that was represented in our presence together. There was an explosion somewhere near one of the surveillance posts and rumor had it that a UN 4×4 had come roaring up to the border-gate. Next day a helicopter landed on the base heli-pad and rumor had it that it was the [Israeli Army’s Chief of Staff, Gabi] Ashkenazi. The whole base was abuzz with the news.

(Above:) IDF Chief of Staff, Gabi Ashkenazi

Next assignment at this same central command battalion of Golani, Givati and Paratroopers, Chief of Staff Ashkenazi came for an announced inspection and we got to see him land. It was one of the ‘coolest’ experiences in my ‘cool-rich’ library of experiences. The UH 60 (Blackhawk) helicopter came in low out of the beautiful Galilee hills and suddenly banked over our heads and approached as the door opened and a crew-spotter coached the soft-landing. Then staff with briefcases and soldiers burst out of the cabin and marched toward the waiting convoy, which roared past our gate down the road to another border base.

On the earlier landing, our soldier work-supervisor (from Combat Engineering) told our Madrichot that we were going off-base to a moshav for an unscheduled swim and free afternoon. What a sacrifice.

The interaction with the soldiers was of a different quality than on the Tech and Logistics bases. We would arrive on the forward posts in the morning to find the border patrol soldiers laying out their gear for inspection and they would invite us to sit down with them. They were deeply appreciative of our presence and expressed it profusely. We would slap shoulders and hug and they would give us priceless pins (like the Givati graduation pin pressed into the hands of one of the Madrichot to be given to me anonymously). It is a gift I will treasure till my dying day. That young soldier, serving on one of the most dangerous borders in the world – constantly in harms way from the 40,000 rockets aimed at Israel from Lebanon alone, the snipers, landmines and IEDs’ – gives me the pin for which he fought during months of unimaginably arduous training.

We pulled, patched and anchored camouflage netting, painted insignias on the officer club then in the second assignment did sand-bagging and erected ‘Hescos:’ laid razor wire on top of chain-link fences and cleaned up warehouse stalls.

The humid heat of the coast gave way to the cool beauty of the Galilean hills and beautiful mornings in the synagogue before everybody arose. Myself and a Jewish guy from the mid-west would be alone in the cool-quiet of the un-lit synagogue as the undulating roar of the crop-duster aircraft intruded on the morning. Magnificent verdant agricultural produce and poultry farms surrounded us and from the border posts we would see the Israeli side of the border, cool and green. The Hezbollah side was barren and brown except for a strategically-placed ‘forest’ on the border that was used to hide the surveillance and combat equipment of the terrorists. While we were there, an IDF patrol leader (from another border base) was shot and killed by the euphemistically-named Lebanese Army while on a UN-approved brush-clearing exercise to prevent terrorist intrusion. He had a family and children and was only weeks away from completing his military service. A Jewish family was robbed of its father and husband, brother and son so that Hezbollah could celebrate with the soon-to-visit Iranian dictator, Mahmood Ahmadinejad. Later an anti-tank rocket was fired at a group of Israeli border guards near Gaza. Israeli retaliation was immediate as it must be.

So, what conclusions have I come to as a ‘seasoned vet’ in Sar El ?

Well, the miracle of Sar El (which was borne amidst an urgent need for labor during the ‘War of Attrition’) now represents a diplomatic mission . This is not surprising in that we are told that by the commanders, but what is remarkable is the spiritual and psychological component.

Spiritually, Jews of many stripes and Christians, atheists, secularists of many stripes and New Age believers come together for one primary reason: the love of Israel. We put aside our world view and political conflicts and work shoulder-to-shoulder to help the Jewish people and this tiny democracy to survive in a sea of aggressive, totalitarian regimes, determined to snuff out the candle.

From all over the world and many walks of life, we interact and squabble and try to sort-out our differences for the period of our assignments because we (as minorities of minorities of minorities) share that one thing in common. What motivates that love (and I use the term in the sense of self-sacrifice) is incredibly varied: political, religious, ethnic, moral, historical. . . But in a world where the relentless left-wing and Islamic propaganda machines work to demonize Israel – we of Sar El don’t believe it! We are willing to put that informed skepticism into action and put our time, our money and our muscle behind it.

Psychologically and socially, these dear baby-faced Israeli soldiers who have to put their lives on hold for 2-3 years in order to stay alive. . . [get to] see doctors, lawyers, engineers, other professionals and business people put their lives on hold to sweat with them, be ordered around by them and do the jobs they hate. Perhaps more importantly, we talk together.

They get to see that North American and Western European lives are not the idealized vision they imagine. We get to see the frustrations and oft-absurdities of Israeli life from a very personal perspective. Most of all, this impossible little nation with its incredible national, racial and ethnic diversity (and tortured history) get to face the Jewish Diaspora that support them. They get to see other Jews who are willing to live and die for them. They get to see Christians (who they have known to persecute them down through the centuries) who are willing to live and die with them. The young soldiers get to see people who love what the Jews represent as a people and recognize what an immense contribution they have made to the modern world. It may help them transcend the arduous daily fight-for-survival that they must endure.

Twice I was told (by various highly-placed Jewish professionals ) that they had never seen Jewish people held in such high regard by anyone – even by other Jews – as we expressed in our interaction with them. This almost made me weep.

Israel does this to people. . . to the people who love her. The exposure is irreplaceable. The contact is intoxicating. A week feels like a month and a month like a year because of the concentrated richness of culture, language, history, faith, euphoria, pathos and the tangible love of HaShem .

All those who love Israel have destinies that are intertwined and Sar El represents one vehicle for the unified expression of that love.

The story goes that the King of Denmark (during the Nazi occupation of his country) was told of Jews in occupied Europe being required to wear a yellow Mogen David with the inscription ‘Juden’ on it. In response he is said to have put a yellow star arm-band on his uniform as he took his daily horse-ride through the streets of Copenhagen. Then the whole population of Copenhagen donned the yellow star and the Jews of Denmark were saved from being shipped to the extermination camps.

It didn’t happen! But something much better DID happen.

It is a well-known fact that if the Christians of occupied Europe had donned the yellow star, the holocaust could not have taken place: they didn’t and the holocaust did.

What’s happening in the modern world is an escalation of propaganda promising the next genocide against the Jews: it is already at the ‘3-Ds’ phase (delegitimization, demonization and double-standard). It has only been 60 years.

This time the target is embodied in the existence of the Jewish State: Israel.

What did happen in Denmark was that the Legend became more effective than the act it portrayed in that the Danish people began actively smuggling the Jews out of the country [1] and thus spared most from the horrors of the death camps.

“. . . To me, the truth is an even greater honor for our country than the myth.”

Quote from: Danish Queen Margrethe II in the book: Queen in Denmark by Anne Wolden-Ræthinge

In the new propaganda blitz against Israel, the name of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is enlisted as a symbol for the Palestinian ‘liberation’.

But as Dr. King stated in his “Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend,” Saturday Review_XLVII (Aug. 1967), p. 76.

“And what is anti-Zionist? It is the denial to the Jewish people of a fundamental right that we justly claim for the people of Africa and freely accord all other nations of the Globe. It is discrimination against Jews, my friend, because they are Jews. In short, it is antisemitism.

Reprinted in M.L. King Jr., “This I Believe:
Selections from the Writings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”

This log is written to encourage all our Christian bothers and sisters to ‘don the yellow star’ in order to prevent the impending holocaust and right a tragic, historic wrong.


[1] See: The Danish Solution: The Rescue of the Jews in Denmark

Roger Brian Neill BA, MA, RSW