Archive for November, 2011


The New Fascism and the Instatement of
Sharia Law in the West

Even after the Second World War, Europe remained treacherous for the Jews

Cohen. Avengers. Op cit p. 175

And the Middle East remained hostile to Jews as Israeli Independence generated the de-facto robbing and expulsion of 600,000 Jews out of the Muslim North African States and the nations of the Fertile Crescent.

Sixty years after the Holocaust, it remains treacherous for Jews in Britain and Europe.

As per the Choudary declarations in the newscast, Sharia Law demands stonings, (for adultery) amputations, (for theft) capital punishment for apostasy from Islam, expulsion of ‘unsuitables’, enforcing of dress-codes on women and roaming young Muslim vigilantes mandated to drive out Jews, Gays, and prostitutes and to do whatever they wish to young girls that break the codes. As Anjem Choudary states in the clip, “Islam is un-stoppable”. They have the plan for all Europe.

Jews are no longer safe in Europe (as Theodore Hertzl predicted) even after the Holocaust.

But Europe and North America can no longer hide behind the slogan: “it can’t happen here. . . ” The fact that the news clip exists says that it HAS happened here. The Caucasians in the interview are in a fool’s paradise to dismiss it.

The demographic and democratic ‘bomb’ that will go off in the next 10-15 years will give Islamists control of the reigns of government (by population) and their leftist allies in the courts will applaud. The courts will be over-burdened and happy to shift the workload onto un-democratic Sharia courts and the Muslim vigilantes will clean up the streets. It will indeed be “Islam” (Submission) . Crime victims and the police will celebrate the quiet streets but they won’t hear the screaming from the back rooms and alleys.

Caucasian populations slaughter their un-born and bother to have 1.5 babies per couple because babies are an inconvenience. For Islam, every baby is a soldier. . . a Jihadi in the glorious fight for the Global Islamic Caliphate where all will proclaim Allah as God.

And may God have mercy on the moderate Muslims that appreciate their freedoms, education and economic opportunity that brought them to the west to begin with. As Tarik Fatah so eloquently described in his address, when we bow to these right-wing, anti-democratic ideologues and allow them to destroy a culture that took centuries to fashion (in the light of Judeo-Christian law) “. . . our children will not forgive us tomorrow. . . “ We will enter 6th Century Arab culture with 21st century weapons.

When Sharia law is instituted at the hands of the radical Islamists, women and the moderates are the first to pay; then the Jews, then the Christians, and all other infidels, then anyone who will not bow the knee to the Caliphate or the Emirates.

And we deserve it.

The dangers we face; if we do not confront them today, our children will not forgive us tomorrow”.

Tarek Fatah delivers a passionate call to action, asking the ideacity 2011 audience to draw the distinction between Islam as a faith and Islamism as an ideology.


What emerges from these diaries – is a picture of a community devastated by barbarism , never embracing underground movements, partisan fighters or strategies based on violence that might bring mass reprisal. Diary entries critical to an understanding of the Jewish community’s despair describe a population increasingly suffering physical weakness and debilitation, and forced to confront the terror of not being able to protect children. By the time these victims reached the gas chambers – if they had not been killed by disease, brutality, and mass starvation –they had been depleted by hunger and the war waged by the Germans on physical survival.

Glass. Jewish Resistance. Op. cit. p.23

The politicians and their media stenographers tell us that economic development and the taste for democracy will replace the impulse to Communist totalitarianism and Jihad. After all, we are all self-interested individuals are we not ? We all want freedom and the democratic way do we not ? Computers, internet gaming, pizza, football and Lady GaGa will replace ‘death-to-the-Jews’ summer training camps for youth in Palestine(1), will they not ?

Self-interest did not motivate the Nazis: an ideology of hate did. It has returned.

Francis Fukuyama was wrong.(2) The collapse of the Soviet Union was not the End of History. . . Communist ideology never died as we see university students donning the red star, hammer and sickle, Mao hats and jackets, Fidel and Che Guevara memorabilia. Fascist ideology never died and the new Islamist-Fascism has shown more genius than the other two ideologies combined.

Just as Neville Chamberlain, the Jewish Police and well-meaning collaborators now live in the history of infamy by their appeasement of Nazism, so too will the ‘realists’, ‘pragmatists’, and ‘rationalists’ when the Jihad gains irresistible momentum in alliance with Russia, North Korea and the Communist Chinese. As Tarek Fatah said in his 2011address to Ideacity (3), “If we do not confront them today, our children will not forgive us tomorrow. . .”

As the ghettos and the trains froze, starved, infected, de-humanized and neutralized Jewish men, women and children, the partisans created survival and resistance communities in the inhospitable forests.(4) Most Jews were unwilling, unable or incapable of joining them.

Much Jewish behavior had been conditioned by history And the culture of getting by and negotiating differences. But the suddenness of the German advance and the unremitting war the Germans waged against Jewish children and Jewish families through ghettoization and the policy of mass reprisals severely restricted the Jewish response.

Glass. Jewish Resistance. . . op.cit. p. 13

A ‘philosophy of resistance’ to annihilation (with a specifically Jewish character) developed and after the defeat of Germany, it moved to Palestine to continue the fight for survival as in contravention of international law, five Arab armies swept down to eradicate the newly formed Israeli state. Had they been successful, they would have erased the only place on earth where armed Jewish women and men could legitimately defend their families and fight as Jews for their right to survive as Jews. It was an experience they had not known for 2000 years.

Though the Russians continuously tried to absorb the Jewish partisans into their ranks, the Bielski brothers(5) and Abba Kovner’s(6) group resisted and were mostly successful. They were well experienced with Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Baltic and Balkan anti-Semitism. For these men, loss of their identity into groups that hated them as Jews, would have been akin to jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Besides, as the atrocities against Jews (trying to return to their homes in Europe)(7) began to leak out, the Zionist predictions of Theodore Hertzl came true and Palestine was the only realistic option. Jews would never again be safe in Europe.

Even after the Second World War, Europe remained treacherous for the Jews. Why ? Because history does not follow the abrupt changes suggested by the dates in the history books, which read like stage directions: Exit Fascist Germany, enter Democratic Germany. The massacre did not make the Poles sympathetic to the Jews, nor did it convince most Germans that they were wrong – about the Jews, about anything. . . The decent Germany that appeared so soon after the War was an American construct, a story we told ourselves to get through the Cold War.

Cohen. The Avengers. Op cit p. 175

Jews who tried to return to their homes were ‘welcomed’ by new gentile occupants who mobbed, beat or murdered them and drove them out of communities where they had lived peacefully for centuries.

The Partisans were a key strategic feature of the war and the Jewish partisans(8) got little credit for the disproportionate damage they did to the German war machine – given their extremely small numbers. During the peak of partisan resistance the Germans lost close to 1000 trains a month, millions of dollars in lost equipment and munitions and of psychological importance – they lived in open defiance of German rule. Estimates vary as to German casualties but the lowest are in the range of 7000 (German stats) vs Soviet estimates of 500,000. Within this movement the Jews had to protect themselves from the other Partisan groups seeking to assimilate them (Soviets) threaten them or wipe them out. It became abundantly clear that most of their comrades at arms – basically hated them, but for a moment they shared a common goal.

Abba Kovner Partisans

However, for the Jewish partisans, rescue and revenge were their primary motivators amidst the very specific attack that had been made on them as a people, unlike any other people: “. . . the perpetrators were going to pay for exterminating my mother, my father, my sisters, my brother, my aunt, my uncle, my neighbours, my friends, my community, my work, my life, my history, my people, my humanity. . .”

I will tell you about a world that went crazy, a world where humans became beasts, turned worthless, and the forests became “home”. And I will tell you about people who refused to surrender to bestiality, people who resisted the descent into darkness. Most of them are gone, but I see them still, in their tattered rags, city boys darting from tree to tree in the forest, repaying death with death.I too, was a city boy, and although I survived, I have never really left those forests.
Glass. Jewish Resistance. Op cit pp. 97-98.

Thus, these Jewish Partisan Warriors, motivated by the desire to rescue their ‘race’ and to avenge their family’s deaths, were of remarkable strategic significance in defeating the Nazis by disrupting the supply lines to the Russian Front. Especially in Belarus, the Jewish Bielsky Otriads dignified themselves with the rescue of some 1200 Jews (in what would otherwise have been a totally obliterated community) by inflicting significant damage on the German war machine.

But what was most important to the Jewish mind was the development of a ‘resistance community’ that not only defied extermination and defended itself but a community forged in the forests that was determined to exact a very high price in violence against those who considered them (the Jews) to be without humanity. In so doing, they psychologically and socially established their indisputable humanity. But the values of civilized Jewish, European urban life had to be replaced by a new social dynamic: survival as a people.

Bielski’s Rousseauian community demonstrates how fragile traditional values in dealing with the ‘outsider’ are in an environment where the political and cultural rules of the game have been shattered. What today we take for granted – individuality, tolerance skepticism, suspension of belief, respect for the rules of the game, and so on – in the ghettos and forests became serious dangers to life.

Glass. Jewish Resistance. . .op cit p. 100

Driven from their homes, from nations to which they had been loyal, from a continent and a civilization to which they had contributed disproportionately, the Jews went on to Palestine where a new attempt was made to drive them out.

But after May 14th, 1948 they had a Jewish nation, a Jewish government, a territory (not named by other national groups) and the right to fight to the death or to life, dressed in a uniform that was not marked with the symbols of ‘the nations’ but had the Jewish Star on it. They could open their doors to every other Jew in the Diaspora to join them in their fight to survive the genocidal impulses of their ancient neighbours and to not be ruled by goyim who would eventually scapegoat them for every failure of their own administrations. They would have sons and daughters, each of which represented new birth and resistance to a world that wished them to disappear off the face of the earth

The ‘Resistors’and The Avengers were instrumental in building the Israeli Defense Force and in psychologically motivating the new soldiers. Israel’s survival against overwhelming odds in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973 was significantly influenced by these ‘fighting survivors’ who were heroes to those who had grown up in Israel. They were instrumental in the development of the ideology of specific Kibbutzim and the foundation of a nation whose slogan was: “Never Again. . . “

Their heroic resistance was not primarily (nor even significantly) motivated by Torah nor Tanakh as was the case with most of the Zionist groups to settle in Palestine before Independence. The modern state of Israel is primarily a secular culture. But in a remarkable (but oft-repeated) phenomenon, one might say it was the faithless who by their actions became the instrument God used to fulfill the prayers of the faithful.

And he will set up an ensign for the nations, and will assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
Isaiah 11:12


(4) Edward Zwick film Defiance. Paramount Pictures 2008 starring Daniel Craig
(5) Nechama Tec. Defiance: The Bielski Partisans. New York: Oxford Univ. Press 1993
(6) Rich Cohen. The Avengers: A Jewish War Story. Vintage Books New York. 2000. In the enclosed photographs you see the core of ‘the Avengers’: Abba and 2 teenage girls: Vitka Kempner, and Ruzka Korczak, unremarkable European Jews who became fierce warriors in the face of unspeakable barbarity and an inspiration to the young state of Israel.
(7) Cohen. The Avengers. Op cit p. 175


(1) Abba Kovner Partisans:
(2) Abba Kovner, Ben Gurion: The Avengers. Cohen
(3) Abba Kovner in later years: The Avengers. Cohen


A few nights before, the girl, who was about seventeen, had been found in the forest by Jews out foraging for food. The girl was bruised and bloody, and was wearing no clothes. She had been walking for two days. She had seen the Jews of Vilna killed in the forest of Ponar. . . The girl was taken to Jacob Gens. She told him she had seen the Jews of Vilna lined up and shot; she told him how she had escaped. . . . He did not believe her story. She was crazy. Very clearly. It was sad, but how could what she said be true ? No. He could not believe it. It threw into question his very sense of the world. Gens saw himself as a realist; like all other realists, he believed that man is motivated by self-interest. Killing the Jews of Vilna could not be in the self-interest of the Germans.

Rich Cohen. The Avengers. A Jewish War Story.
Vintage Books. New York 2001. pp. 38-39

The ‘realists’ in the White House and the Western European parliaments ‘know’ that the Muslim nations of the world are really motivated by self-interest and the wish to work for Microsoft. They know that the seed of freedom and democracy throbs in their breast and it could not possibly be in their interest to nuke Israel or destroy America. To them the alternative is unimaginable . . . to a rationalist, a secular humanist. It cannot be true. Unimaginable but true for Jacob Gens and for today’s foreign policy commissars.

The reason ? It was not self-interest that drove the Germans to the Holocaust nor Jihadists to the Apocalypse. It is ideology.

As the “Arab Spring” brings murder, torture, rape and expulsion to North Africa’s Christian communities and 1000 Palestinian terrorists flood onto the streets of Israel’s cities after the release of Gilad Shalit(1), the White House and its stenographers in the media celebrate the birth of democracy in the Middle East. The Unholy Alliance(2) (the Left and Islamic Jihad) has a proud history of persecuting Christians and Jews to the applause of their ‘bots’ in their various state-sponsored media so there is little new to report. But in the context of the ‘Yellow Star’ what questions does this raise for Christians and Jews and the organizations which represent them.

Well, for the newly ‘Chrislam’(3) evangelicals, trying to harmonize the Koran and the Bible, it is not much of an issue. We can simply become Muslims. Alternatively, for those who have decided that Islam is God’s Judgment on backslidden Jewry and the Christian Church, the task is largely to prepare oneself Spiritually for being “. . . lambs to the slaughter”(4). But is this Biblically the only legitimate course of action ? If so then ‘Donning the Yellow Star’ would mean joining the Jews in their walk to ‘the camps’.

Although nearly anathema as a topic of discussion in the Christian Church, the Biblical position or positions (i.e. the ‘Pacifist’ vs ‘Just War’ debate) should be raised now because when your brothers and sisters are being subjected to violence, persecution and discrimination, (as is the case in 1/3 of Christendom) that is not always the point at which prayerful, careful, reasoned, Biblically-founded conclusions can be drawn.(5) The Jews have been faced with this issue for 2000 years as have sub-groups of Christians but in North America and Western Europe we have been lulled to sleep by our media anesthesiologists in the era of relative peace, prosperity and stability.

None of us can imagine what it is like to live with those memories, those uncertainties, and the abject feeling of not having been able to save your family. Nothing replaces that kind of severed and truncated experience of loss.

James M. Glass. Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust:
Moral Uses of Violence and Will
Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire UK 2004. p. 5

But nothing has changed and everything has changed. Anti-Semitism has once again emerged to a psychotic level and spreading its toxic waste throughout the western world. For Christians (as Michael Horowitz pointed out), they represent the number one human rights issue of the late 20th and early 21st century.(6) But you wouldn’t know that to listen to the scribes of the state religion of Secular Humanism. And the auto-genocidal (read: “suicidal”) West accelerates drunkenly toward the Great [historical] Rift.

The opening quote of this piece speaks of the Nazi program of using rational, intelligent, cultured, pragmatic Jews to administer and control the ghettos. It was masterful. They were men inured in the concepts of science, administration, art, technology, rationalism, realism, progress and the decency of the common man. They were Humanists. The Nazis made them Chiefs of Police or chairs of the Jewish Councils. They were men who often worked day and night to find ways to negotiate with the Nazis to save their people, keep the ghettos fed and to manage the slave-force required by them. They were also responsible for arranging the selection and recruitment of large numbers of Jews for transport on the trains to receive ‘food and work’. That is NOT where they were going. They believed in social self-interest. They believed the Germans were rational and incapable of the atrocities they were being accused of. They were wrong.

Thus their realism and rationalism was used against them and served only to assist in the control, oppression, neutralization and ultimate extermination of the Jewish people.

Bielski Partisans

The partisans knew what was happening and at risk to their lives, entered the ghettos to convince the Judenrat (7) that the Nazi programs were based on a plan to exterminate them, not to just re-locate them or use them for labour in the war effort.

It is no different today. Those in the Jewish community (such as Arutz Cheva 7)(8) and its hosts and guests (like David Bedein, Jay Shapiro, previously Tovia Singer) warn the Israeli Jews and the Diaspora as to what is planned for them. They are labeled ‘right-wing’ and ‘fanatics’ and ‘extremists’ and the warnings go unheeded by a population weary of fighting. But there are those in the conservative think-tanks who bother to do the research, acquire and read the Hamas and Fatah Covenants and the European-funded Palestinian textbooks to see what their enemies have in store for them and uncover the hate-mongering that is the Palestinian education system.(9)

They confront the ‘realists’ in the Israeli left who would disarm and appease and give away land-for-peace. . .who say. . . “that’s not possible. . . they (Fatah and Hamas) don’t really mean it, it is just a bargaining position. . . its really all our fault because we are seen as an occupying force. . . “

In so many ways it seems a perfect parallel with the partisans who were warning the Judenrat of the dimensions of the Holocaust and facing the ghetto Jews with a very difficult option: die in the ghetto, in the camps (virtually inevitable) or risk dying while fighting in the forests as free people.

With the Unholy Alliance propaganda-machine’s demonization, de-legitimization and imposition of double-standards upon the Jewish state (all established pre-cursors to genocide) Jews are once again faced with the same dilemma.

To be continued. . .


(2) David Horowitz. Unholy Alliance Radical Islam and the American Left. Regnery. Washington DC. 2004
(5) In Kenneth Scott Latourette’s A History of Christianity he reports how theological debate is mostly arrested in times of persecution because unity in thought and action is a fundamental necessity.
(6) 150,000 Christians per year are martyred to the deafening ‘sound of silence’
See also Paul Marshall. Their Blood Cries Out. Word Publishing. Dallas 1997