Archive for January, 2013


Posted: January 30, 2013 in democracy, history


Alexis deTocqueville, was born in 1805 of a Norman aristocratic family whose ancestors had fought in 1066 at the Battle of Hastings. They had experienced the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution and in fact narrowly escaped the guillotine due to the fall of Robespierre in 1794. They experienced dictatorship. In 1831, his parliamentary role as deputy of the Manche department (Valognes), allowed him to gain a commission from the July Monarchy to tour the prisons and penitentiaries of America. He actually toured extensively throughout America and was fascinated by the vibrant character of American democracy and attempted to discover what had made it so unique and what might herald its downfall.[1]

He proved to be brilliantly analytical and prescient in his 1835 publication of Democracy in America (ultimately two volumes with the second coming forth in 1840), a voice from the past . . .

Of liberty, morality and faith . . .

“Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

Of encroaching central government he wrote . . .

“After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America[2]

Of the public purse. . . .

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.”
― attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville

“America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” [3]




The Street-Fight and Politics as War

In 2012, the ‘republicrats’[2] sent a guy in a tuxedo to a southside old Chicago street fight.

For the Chicago and Arkansas electoral machines, politics is war.

The Democrat unspoken mantra would say something like: The truth is subservient to appearance.[3] Your enemy must be subjugated or annihilated[4]. The unborn are a mere currency of political expediency. Sexual immorality can be marketed for votes. The politics of personal destruction works (through slander) [5] and there are no boundaries we won’t cross in the pursuit of power. Government is god. Keeping your subjects dependent is the key to holding power.[6] The crushing power of the state will control the rest through slander, rumour and propaganda by our garrison of well-paid scribes and what cannot be controlled by words will be crushed by the police, the military, intelligence, revenue agencies and security forces [7].

They see themselves as the smartest people on the planet and must dictate to the rubes who constitute the 2/3 of Americans who love ‘Nascar, their Bibles, their guns and their pickup trucks’. The end justifies the means because after all, the populace are just accidental, evolved animals that need controlling by an all-knowing, all-powerful state. The state ‘gods and goddesses’ must rule over this motly crew of  state-machine-demonized, ‘religious, right wing extremists’. Religion must be excised from the state (except, of course,  for their forcibly-instituted religions of Secular Humanism and Islam). GOD has been killed by man but is resurrected in THE STATE. “. . . The government giveth and the government taketh away. Blessed be the name of the government . . .”

An interesting model of analysis based on the social psychology of the mob[8] is covered in the Ann Coulter’s Demonic: How the Liberal Mob is endangering America. Listen to a man inside the new Occupy DC offices in Washington D.C. say that smashing Starbucks’ windows and burning cop cars is not violence:

Violence and the threat of mob-action becomes a key component in withdrawing constitutional guarantees such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion just as the Caesars exercised in Pax Romana. A man could be scourged or executed by the state if he caused a riot by telling the truth. (Apostle Paul, Biblical book of Acts). Today’s Caesars and Mullahs and Sheiks and Commissars execute the same mandate.

Watergate was akin to a B&E (and Republican President, Richard Nixon a ‘boy scout’) compared to the scandals surrounding Bill and Hillary Clinton[9] (China-gate, Travel-gate, Vince Foster death, Johnny Chung Fundraising scandal, Cattle Futures Trading scandal,  Pardongate, Whitewater, File-gate, Wampum-gate, and the fast-track-immigration scandal reported by David Shippers in his courageous book: Sellout[10] ). Laura Ingraham engaged Bob Woodward of Watergate fame (on a talk show during the Benghazi atrocity) who in comparing the 2 scandals said; ‘. . but this is no Watergate. .  . .’ to which Laura Ingraham replied: ‘You’re right . . . no one died at Watergate . . .’

Bob Woodward was more than happy to make a monumental career on the back of Richard Nixon (who was trying to plug dangerous security leaks in the Whitehouse) but was silent as President Barak Hussein Obama’s administration covered up a 911 attack on sovereign US territory which killed 4 Americans, as it sent out a nauseatingly repetitious story about an obscure home-made video that had nothing to do with the attack on the US Benghazi compound.

Where there is no unbiased investigative media, there is no democracy.

Thus, [Oba-merica] has the government it deserves: “. . . corrupt, venal, weak and arrogant . . .”

The 2012 election should herald the death of the Republican Party, and its political strategies. . . especially the country club elite who have tried to win elections by adopting  ‘Democrat Light’ policies and have been consistently defeated. They don’t understand the new America, they don’t understand the tactics of the left and they decided to bring ‘a knife to a gunfight’ in the 2012 election. They don’t understand the Tea Party and what happened in 2010 elections, they are hostile to their ‘Values Voters’ and lost the election because 3 million conservative voters simply stayed home. If they survive, it will be ‘in-name-only’. Bush vs Clinton 2016: by some Republican reckoning, they are already defeated[11].

What does all this mean for Israel? Like Czechoslavakia, they once again stand alone in a neighbourhood of heavily-armed warlords committed to their destruction. In the White House, there is a President whose administration described the killing of 13 Fort Hood personnel and 32 wounded (by a Muslim US Army Major, with terrorist connections, shouting ‘Allahu akbar’) as “workplace violence” [12]. He is their reputed; ‘major ally.’

THIS AMERICA is their reputed ‘major ally.’

From a secular perspective, Israel cannot survive . . . and the GOD they do not recognize is their only remaining hope.

Isaiah 41:8-12
New King James Version (NKJV)

“But you, Israel, are My servant,
Jacob whom I have chosen,
The descendants of Abraham My friend.
9 You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth,
And called from its farthest regions,
And said to you,
‘You are My servant,
I have chosen you and have not cast you away:
10 Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
11 “Behold, all those who were incensed against you
Shall be ashamed and disgraced;
They shall be as nothing,
And those who strive with you shall perish.
12 You shall seek them and not find them—
Those who contended with you.
Those who war against you
Shall be as nothing,
As a nonexistent thing.


[1] Mark Steyn warned in his bestseller America Alone what would happen if she didn’t change course. She hasn’t . His 2012 bestseller After America tells what will likely happen now.
[2] Attributed to Michael Savage, talk show host and author in Savage Nation
[3] Goldberg. Liberal Fascism p. 36. Georg Sorel’s teaching influenced Mussolini , emphasizing the role of ‘the myth’ in driving political change through activism
[4] Mitt Romney was accused of not paying his taxes by Senator House Leader, Harry  Reid;  (un-true, no apology) accused by DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of being a making women second class citizens (  ; accused by Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter of being a felon  (lie, no apology) ; implied accusation of abusing animals (dog kennel on the roof rack) ; accused of not caring while he allowed a working-man’s wife to die of cancer (slander, no apology) ; his company Bain Capital of ruthlessly shutting down companies and laying off their workers without concern (while many of the Unions that supported Obama were investors in the company they were defaming). It is the policy of slash-and-burn personal annihilation that began with Judge Robert Bork and Justice Clarence Thomas, as well as the misogynist attacks on Sarah Palin. Justicve Thomas’s ‘lynching’ was what radicalized a soft-left slacker by the name of Andrew Breitbart: Righteous Indignation: Excuse me while I save the world.  Grand Central Press, N.Y. 2011.
[5] Ann Coulter. Slander. Liberal lies about the American right. Three Rover’s Press 2003.
[6] Unconcerned (except in political rhetoric) about the massive increase of welfare, medicare, medic-aide, food-stamps,  unemployment insurance, and increasing government employees, the Obama administration never even produced a budget that could be passed by their own congress-persons and Senate because the swelling dependency-class was their electoral base.
[7] Waco  , Ruby Ridge , FBI files, IRS  intimidation of government enemies list, the sex scandal-cover-ups of the Clinton era
[8] Coulter. Demonic. Crown Forum New York . 2011
[9] Clinton Legacy
[10] David Shippers. Sellout: The Inside Story of President Clinton’s Impeachment. Regnery  Publishing  Washington. . 2000
[11] Hillary cannot be defeated by the Republicans in 2016
[12] Survivor response to official labels

The New Ruling Elite

All my life I have served 2 masters. My GOD and my country. My GOD has never betrayed me.”
“But your Country has?”
“Because it is no longer the country to which I swore loyalty
as a young man. It has become corrupt and venal, weak
and yet arrogant, dedicated to the obese and the stupid.
It is not my country anymore. The bond is broken. The fealty gone.“

Frederick Forsyth. The Cobra p. 381 [2]

Big labour, Big Hollywood, Big business, (Soros, Amazon, Google, etc), feminist organizations, Big Islam, trial lawyers, Big Abortion, the gay activist movements, the Big Green, global warmers[3], the race hucksters, the open borders crowd, Occupy Wall Street and the American ‘mainstream’ (read ‘Lamestream’)[4] media . . . these ‘usual suspects’ are the Obama ‘base’. Now they rule.

So. . . the left-wing Dreams of (His)Father[5] will be enacted over the next four years. It is likely to embody the best of the Clinton Presidency (lies, scandal, cover-ups, allegations of vast right-wing conspiracies, major breeches of National Security, dereliction of duty[6] demoralization of the military and intelligence communities, errant FBI files on enemies lists, attempts to control the conservative-voice media), orchestrated by the genius of the Chicago political machinery that currently surround President Barak Hussein Obama. However, it is much less a pragmatically corrupt and self-serving administration as was the Clintons. The Obama administration is a radical, left-wing, fundamentally anti-American regime with an agenda to transform her from a vigorous, exceptional, vibrant, creative, muscular, capitalist, democratic super-power to a member of the global family of socialist and Islamic states.

But this regime (barring unforeseen forces) will slide seamlessly into the next Clinton Presidency in 2016 as the ‘Democrat-Media Complex’[7] preside over the demise of the Republic as we know it. Just as with Germany (1930s) and Russia (1917), by the time a preoccupied citizenry realize what has happened, it will be too late.

The death rattle of constitutional America really began with the earlier Clinton Presidency. There was no outrage, no accountability, no consequences to gross corruption, and misconduct because of the media cover-up-machine. No non-partisan, investigative media . . . no democracy: it is the 4th estate and in its absence, a democracy cannot function. The alphabet media have become the Tass News Agency and the Pravda of the old Soviet Union.

President Barak Obama understood the NEW America . . . the cyborg, reality-show, abortion-obsessed, Hollywood-fantasy, politically correct, multi-cultural, morally relative, contraception-obsessed left-wing, college-generated America . . . whose ‘reality’ is on the TV and parrots the Islamophile, Marxophile propaganda of their college professors.

As products of a one-party propaganda machine known as “the Mainstream Media”, they are blissfully unaware of the Obama corruption-and-scandals list.[8] The Benghazi atrocity; Fast and Furious[9]; the real economic state-of-the-nation; manipulation of unemployment statistics prior to (and since) the election; the ‘Obamacare’ political machinations including the Obama ‘it is not a tax’ statement, (Supreme Court Judge John Roberts declared that it was a tax and that is the only means by which it could be declared constitutional) all the way to Nancy Pelosi’s: ‘you can read it (2700 pages) after you have voted for it . . . ‘; proliferation of unconstitutional ‘Czars’; significant proportion of stimulus funds funneled to Democrat party supporters and soon-to-be-bankrupt companies; the New Black Panther (Muslim) voter intimidation charges; unconstitutional executive orders on the illegal immigration agenda; the Candy Crowley (CNN) set-up of Mitt Romney[10] in the second Presidential debate; the bizarre election poll results[11] . . . meaning basically they are unaware of what REALLY mattered or what really happened in the 2012 election.

Instead, they were kept focused on a fictitious gender war, race war, and class war[12], in a slander-lies-and-treason propaganda campaign by a one-party media who refused to vet or investigate the current administration.

The ‘republi-crats’ have never understood the power of propaganda and they don’t understand modern America. They still think elections are a rational discourse in the marketplace of ideas. They still think that the Democrat-ruling elite are just well-meaning Americans with a different political opinion. They don’t understand.

According to the New York Times 70% of American Jews voted for Barak Obama in 2012 as opposed to 74% in 2008.[13] They already knew how Obama viewed Israel.

Elections can have life-and-death consequences, especially for Israel.

Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin




[1] Mark Steyn warned in his bestseller America Alone what would happen if she didn’t change course. She hasn’t. Steyn’s 2012 bestseller After America tells what will likely happen now.
[2] Signet Books, New York 2011.
; 260 actors and actresses, not counting comedians and directors, a media bonanza
[4] ‘lamestream media’ was I believe coined by radio talk-show host and Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham on her show: Laura Ingraham: the Healthy Radio Addiction
[5] Obama’s America 2016 Dinesh D’Sousa
[6] Lt.Col Robert Patterson. Dereliction of Duty: the Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Compromised America’s National Security Regnery Publishing Inc. Washingotn DC 2003
[7] Attributed to the demonized master radio talk-show host: Rush Limbaugh
[8] Alex Newman. ‘Top 10 “most corrupt’ list dominated by the Obama Administration’ report from Judicial Watch:
[9] Attny General Eric Holder. Congressional efforts to read the pertinent documents have been blocked by executive action making it unlikely that the investigation will ever be complete.
[10] Candy Crowley was not a moderator in the debate, but an active, pro-Obama participant in the debate
[11] 59 Philadelphia districts and 100 in Ohio had zero votes for Romney, more reminiscent of Sadam Hussein’s Iraq, than America electoral results. . .
[12] As ex-Czar Van Jones and Occupy Wall Street showed their true colors, Obama spinmeisters struggled with the President’s support for it



Daniel 2:21
New King James Version (NKJV)
21 And He changes the times and the seasons;
He removes kings and raises up kings;
He gives wisdom to the wise
And knowledge to those who have understanding.

‘Payday someday’. The world’s number one (so-called-democratic) purveyor of abortion, pornography, legitimization and promotion of homosexual lifestyle, government-funded contraception and fantasy-violence (Hollywood, and the computer-gaming industries) now have exactly what they asked for. It was not actually the confederacy of fools[1] who put Barak Hussein Obama in the White House.

Now socialism has come to America with a ‘delightfully’ Islamic twist. Barack Hussein Obama (who no longer has to seek re-election) can now almost unilaterally un-wind the US economy, tax and regulate capitalist market forces out of existence, and ignore a debt-level that the entire world economy cannot possibly re-pay. Through a brilliant propaganda campaign, he has convinced the reality show and iPhone addicted generation of button pushers that George W. Bush was the source of the economic collapse.

Through unemployment, food stamps, welfare, public-service and Democrat-labour aristocracies, endlessly extended unemployment-benefits and bloated government bureaucracies, he will expand a dependency-class that MUST re-elect the Democrats in order to keep food on the table. The Constitution of the United States of America is roadblock that can (in his estimation) be removed easily as there is no vigorous or intelligent opposition.

If President Obama and the Democrats have their way have their way, they will destroy much of what remains of independent small business and the middle class, and through their stenographers and promoters in the lame-stream media (and Hollywood), will make it appear to be “. . . in the interest of ‘fairness’.

If President Obama and the Democrats have their way, the US Military will be degraded into mediocrity and turned ultimately on its own citizens as with all one-party systems. Bible-believing Christianity (as opposed to the consumer-friendly, left-wing, chrislamic, and mystical-emerging-church) will be driven underground as the Islamic and leftist propaganda machines finish its job on the schools, universities, media[2] and the arts.

If President Obama and the Democrats have their way, Israel will be abandoned to the Sunni-controlled north African and Middle Eastern United States of Islam[3] (assuming Iran does not get the bomb first in which case it will be a Shia Caliphate). The Sunni-led demographic Jihad[4] against western Europe and the United States will advance inexorably and will soon appear in the parliaments and congresses of the once-democratic west as Islamic populations grow arithmetically and Sharia law puts an end to feminism and gay rights.

If President Obama and the Democrats have their way, the slaughter and oppression of Christians and Jews worldwide will continue to be ignored in the Islamo-leftist media as the Unholy Alliance[5] (Communism and Jihadism) subscribe to (or passively ascent to) the slaughter.

Like the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah in the Biblical books of the Kings, America prefers her idols to the GOD of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and ultimately her idols will enslave her. The voices of the prophets were ignored by Israel. They got what they asked for and so will we.

Hosea 4:17
New King James Version (NKJV)
17 “Ephraim is joined to idols,
Let him alone.


[1] Source: Czech Republic newspaper, Prager Zeitungon Nov 2012. op cit … this blog Dec. 19th 2012 entry
[2] Al Gore, Vice-President to the William Jefferson Clinton Administration and enviro-activist sells leftist Current TV Network to Al Jazeera. This is the latest example of the Unholy Alliance between the American Left and Radical Islam. This clip presents Act for America spokesperson, Bridgitte Gabriel’s debate with a former Al Jazeera Anchor.
[3] Dinesh D’Souza’s film, 2016: Obama’s America (released 2012)
[4] Demographic Jihad by the Numbers: Getting a Handle on the True Scope 2 June 2007 ©Yoel Natan
[5] Horowitz, The Unholy Alliance op.cit this blog Sept 15, 2011 entry


CONSEQUENCES : Yesterday and Today

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”
Source: attributed to an article published in the Czech Republic, Prager Zeitung, 28 April 2010.

The Czech Republic should know about princely fools. Czechoslavakia was sold out in 1938 by France and Britain in return for “peace in our time’ with Adolph Hitler. It was a land-for-peace deal: sound familiar? Then again at the end of the Second World War to the USSR and then again in 1968, during the Prague Spring. Prague Spring was a REAL Spring . . . not like the so-called Arab Spring which is in fact the Arab winter (as confirmed by events in Egypt and Libya recently).

Czechoslovakia provided the necessary military and topographical barrier to Hitler’s expansion that could have prevented the Second World War had Britain and France abided by the treaty they had signed. The Czechs were sold out in a ‘land for peace’ appeasement that cost Europe 30 million lives, effected the destruction of the most advanced industrial nation in Europe (Germany) and the devastation of the Jewish people. Israel is the modern-day Czechoslovakia and the same terrorist-appeasement slogans are being tossed about today against Israel in order to destroy her safety and sovereignty in a disastrous play for regional peace. The ‘princes’ are negotiating for peace with the ideological offspring of Hitler’s Palestinian Reichsfeurer: Haj Amin Al Husseini[1]. It was Yasser Arafat in his day and (unless he resurrects during the exhumation procedure) it is Holocaust-denier and ‘partner-for-peace’ Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Masden)[2] today. Haj was their ideological ‘daddy’.

The recently sanitized terrorist organization (Hamas) is not currently the terrorist-of-choice, flavor-of-the-month for the US administration. Given the recent vote for Palestinian statehood at the United Nations[3], Fatah have been chosen as the ‘good terrorist’ and will appear in their business suits as “moderate realists” in the days to come, planning the destruction of Israel by diplomacy, because Kassams and Katushya failed.

Just as Hitler destroyed Czechoslovakia’s sovereignty at the Munich Conference with British and French complicity[4] (using a contrived ‘oppressed ethnic minority’) the UN are manufacturing the demise of Israeli sovereignty by their goal of eventual Palestinian statehood. Czechoslovakia was not invited to the table either. Sound familiar?[5]

Then the ‘princes of fools’ (after virtually ‘guaranteeing’ the Nazi occupation) again sold Czechoslovakia out to Stalin (Soviet occupation) for Stalin’s part in the defeat of his former ally, Adolf Hitler[6]. More fools then stood idly by as the Czech Prague Spring was crushed by Soviet tanks on Aug 21, 1968. The Prague Spring was a REAL Spring not like the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ which has already turned itself into the predictable Arab Winter. Recent events in Egypt and Libya were so inevitable that only CNN, BBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and the Obama administration could miss it.

The Czechs understand and mourn a once-reliable ally: The United States of America. They are wise enough to know that it is After America. They saw President Obama pat Medvedev’s leg at the 2012 Nuclear Summit negotiations[7] in South Korea and request (off mike) that Vladmir ‘give him some space’ till his “. . . second term”. The Czechs knew what that would likely mean.

Thus, a man who surrounded himself with (a) liberation Theologians (Jeremiah Wright), (b) an unrepentant domestic- ex-terrorist (Bill Ayers – now a respected educator), (c) Marxists and ‘911 truthers’, (d) who spent more taxpayer dollars in four years than President George W. Bush spent is eight, (e) who may have abandoned American citizens and sovereign US territory to Al-Qaida on 9/11, 2012 (Benghazi, Libya), (f) who saw unemployment figures, gas prices and deficit statistics rise in a way that should defeat any incumbent president,(g) whose Attorney General is embroiled in multiple scandals including Fast and Furious (where US Agents were killed by weapons sold in a failed, federally sanctioned arms sale to Mexican Drug Cartels) . . . this man was re-elected by American citizens to head the ‘Free’ World on November 6th.

Jamie Foxx at the November 8th Soul Train Awards in Las Vegas called Barak Obama his lord and savior, further authenticating the idiocy of the Hollywood propaganda machine that worked so energetically to assure Obama’s re-election on November 6th.

“Paul Devereaux was not a politician. Jonathan Silver was. He knew that, in politics, what is real is not important. The important is what appears to be real to the gullible. And what appears to be real is purveyed by the media and purchased by the gullible.”

Frederick Forsyth. The Cobra. p.377 [8]



[1] ; Efraim Karsh. Arafat’s War: The Man and his Battle for Israeli Conquest. Grove Press New York 2003 pp. 23-24; 184-185
[3] Wall Street Journal
[5] – Today. – Yesterday.
[6] The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact traumatized even the western European and North American left. . To the democratic socialists it represented a betrayal of socialist principles by their assumed ally Joseph Stalin. Then at Yalta, the Chief US negotiator was Alger Hiss (a Soviet Spy) who presided over the second betrayal of Czechoslovakia :
[7] The Guardian:
[8] Frederick Forsyth. The Cobra. Signet. New American Library. New York. 2011


Photo of Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain and Daladier at Munich:
Photo of Mideast Quartet during the 66th session of the General Assembly at UN headquarters September 23, 2011. Photo by AP @